JISC's activities support education and research by promoting innovation in new technologies and by the central support of ICT services.
The Learning and Skills Council exists to make England better skilled and more competitive. The goal is to improve the skills of England’s young people and adults to ensure we have a workforce of world-class standard.
Working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions and develop commercial low carbon technologies.
CUBO is the professional association for senior managers in higher education whose responsibilities include the strategic planning, management, administration and development of the university’s residential portfolio, catering and retail operations, and commercial income generation from business and leisure tourism.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England distributes public money for teaching and research to universities and colleges. In doing so, it aims to promote high quality education and research, within a financially healthy sector. HEFCE also plays a key role in ensuring accountability and promoting good practice.
Salix Finance is an independent, publicly funded company, set up in 2004, to accelerate public sector investment in energy efficiency technologies through invest to save schemes.
Vision - for students to enjoy the highest quality learning experience in the world.
The Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council is the national, strategic body that is responsible for funding teaching and learning provision, research and other activities in Scotland's 43 colleges and 20 universities and higher education institutions.
Representing the whole of higher education, & increasingly further education, in the development & provision of academic, management & administrative information systems, providing a contacts network & a powerful lobbying voice.
Future-Tech is a specialist in the design, construction and maintenance of data centres, computer rooms and server rooms.