Our Partners

The EAUC is a partnership organisation. We actively seek out strategic partners who can help us do more for our university and college members. Below is a list of our current strategic partners. It is important for the EAUC to work with these organisations. We want to ensure that they are aware of current thinking and activity in the sector and when our interests come together, we are keen to work with them for the benefit of the sector.

Institution Country Institution Type
AASHE Member United States FHE Support Organisation
ACTS Member Australia FHE Support Organisation
Advance HE United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Aldersgate Group United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Alianza de Redes Iberoamericanas de Universidades por la Sustentabilidad y el Ambiente (ARIUSA) Colombia FHE Support Organisation
Ashden United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Asia-Pacific Regional University Consortium (RUC) China FHE Support Organisation
Asian Sustainable Campus Network (ASCN) Japan FHE Support Organisation
Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association for Student Residential Accommodation (ASRA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) United States FHE Support Organisation
Association of Colleges (AOC) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of University Administrators (AUA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Association of University Engineers (AUE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) Australia FHE Support Organisation
BRE United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Bright Green Business United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
British Association for Sustainable Sport (BASIS) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
British Association of Cleaning in Higher Education (BACHE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
British Council United Kingdom Government
British Heart Foundation United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
British Universities Finance Directors Group (BUFDG) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Business in the Community (BITC) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Caplor Horizons United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
CAS-Net JAPAN Campus Sustainability Network in Japan Japan FHE Support Organisation
Change Agents United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Changeworks United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Chartered Association of Business Schools United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
China Green University Network China Higher Education
Civic University Network (CUN) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Climate Outreach United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Climate Psychology Alliance Scotland (CPA Scotland) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Collective for the Integration of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Higher Education (CIRSES) France FHE Support Organisation
College and University Business Officers (CUBO) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
College Development Network United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Colleges and Institutes Canada - CICan Canada Further Higher Education
Colleges Northern Ireland United Kingdom Further Education
Colleges Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Colleges Wales United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Committee of University Chairs United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CBW) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Computer Aid International United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Computers 4 Africa United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Conference des Grandes Ecoles France FHE Support Organisation
Copernicus Alliance Germany FHE Support Organisation
Council for Learning Outside the Classroom United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Cycling Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Cynnal Cymru - Sustain Wales United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Department for Education (DfE) Ireland Government
Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI) United Kingdom Government
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) United Kingdom Government
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) United Kingdom Government
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) United Kingdom Government
EAUC United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Economic and Social Research Council United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Education and Skills Funding Agency United Kingdom Government
Education and Training Foundation United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Education Scotland United Kingdom Government
Enactus United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Energy Saving Trust United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Energy Saving Trust Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Environment Agency United Kingdom Government
Environmental Audit Committee United Kingdom Government
European Students' Union Belgium FHE Support Organisation
Fairtrade Foundation United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
FEE Foundation for Environmental Education Denmark FHE Support Organisation
Fit For The Future United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Forum for the Future United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Future Leaders Network United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Global Alliance for Quality Education France FHE Support Organisation
Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) Spain FHE Support Organisation
Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) Belgium FHE Support Organisation
Greater London Authority United Kingdom Government
Green Moon Events Limited United Kingdom Company
Green Moon Events Limited - INTERNATIONAL LIST United Kingdom Company
Greener Alliance United Kingdom Company
Guild HE United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe (HUMANE) Belgium FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Authority (HEA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCON) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) United Kingdom Government
Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Procurement Association (HEPA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Strategic Planners Association (HESPA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
IEMA United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Institute of Directors United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Institution of Sustainability Professionals (PSSA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
International Association of Universities (IAU) France FHE Support Organisation
International Development Committee United Kingdom Government
International Green Campus Alliance (IGCA) China FHE Support Organisation
International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) United States FHE Support Organisation
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Switzerland FHE Support Organisation
Irish Universities Association United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
ISCOM The Higher Institute for Communications and Advertising France Higher Education
IT Schools Africa United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
JISC United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Keep Scotland Beautiful United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) France FHE Support Organisation
Learning & Work Institute United Kingdom Adult and Community Education Organisation
Learning for Sustainability Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Liftshare United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
London Higher United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) United Kingdom Company
MyCarbon United Kingdom Company
National Association of Local Councils (NALC) United Kingdom Government
National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Nestrans United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
NHS National Services Scotland United Kingdom Government
NHS Sustainable Development Unit United Kingdom Government
Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN) Finland FHE Support Organisation
North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Not Zero Net Zero India FHE Support Organisation
NUS United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Office for National Statistics United Kingdom Government
Office for Students United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
OFSTED United Kingdom Government
oikos International United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
One Planet Business Switzerland FHE Support Organisation
People & Planet United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) United States FHE Support Organisation
Public Sector Sustainability Association United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
QAA United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
RE:NEW Programme United Kingdom Government
Research England United Kingdom Government
Resource Futures United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
RSPB United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Russell Group United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Scientists Warning United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Scotland’s International Development Alliance United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Scottish Funding Council United Kingdom Government
Scottish Futures Trust United Kingdom Government
Scottish Government United Kingdom Government
Scottish Qualifications Authority United Kingdom Government
Second Nature United States FHE Support Organisation
SEED United Kingdom Government
SEPA United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Skills Development Scotland United Kingdom Government
Sniffer United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Society for the Environment (SocEnv) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Soil Association United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
sparqs - student partnerships in quality Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Standing Conference for Heads of Media Services (SCHOMS) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Student Hubs United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Studenten voor Morgen Netherlands FHE Support Organisation
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS) UK United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
SUMS Consulting United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Sustainability Literacy Test (Sulitest) France FHE Support Organisation
Sustainability West Midlands United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Sustainable Restaurant Association United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Sustainable Scotland Network United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Sustainable University Network (SUN) of Thailand Thailand FHE Support Organisation
Sustrans United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Carbon Trust United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Crown Estate United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Institute for Global Change United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Long View United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The National Association of College & University Entrepreneurs (NACUE) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
The Sustainability Literacy Project United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
These Executive Minds (TEXEM) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Think Global United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Times Higher Education United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Tribal People and Women Welfare Organisation India Other
UCISA United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) United Kingdom Company
UK Healthy Universities Network United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UK NARIC United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UK Student Climate Network United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UK Youth Climate Coalition United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UN House Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
UNESCO France Other
UNICA United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Ireland FHE Support Organisation
UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training & Research) Switzerland FHE Support Organisation
United Nations Environment (UNEP) Kenya FHE Support Organisation
Universities Mutual Association Limited (UMAL) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Universities Scotland United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Universities UK United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
University and College Union (UCU) United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Unloc United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Welsh Assembly Government United Kingdom Government
Wendy Purcell United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Woodland Carbon Code United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
WRAP United Kingdom FHE Support Organisation
Zero Waste Scotland United Kingdom Government
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