Educational Members Network

The Educational Members Network is the EAUC email forum. It lets you ask questions, share and learning with your peers across EAUC membership.

Perhaps you want to know the best renewable energy solution or need clarification of waste management legislation? Whatever your question, we point you towards joining the Members Network, where you can ask those who are like-minded, knowledgeable, and share your ambitions.

You may also get involved using the following:

About JISCMail

The National Academic Mailing List Service (JISCMail) facilitates the sharing of knowledge within the UK-centred community that incorporates email and the web. This specialist mailing list enables high quality, topical, and collaborative content for the benefit of education, operations, and research communities. 

There is no access for students or staff at student unions on this JISCMail.

User Guide

There are many regular topics raised on the Jisc networks, so find below a quick guide on how to search for previous discussions:

  1. Go to and click on ‘Subscribers Corner’.
  2. Click on the discussion network you wish to search – for example ‘EAUC-Members’ is the list for the Member Discussion Network.
  3. The three ‘Latest Messages’ are shown in a box near the top of the page -  click the message to read the entire post.
  4. To search the list, use the 'Search Archive' box on the right-hand side - you can refine your search by adding parameters.

Warning: By clicking 'reply' to a message that is sent via a Jisc network, your response will be sent to all. Only do this if it is of interest to numerous members to see your response. Otherwise, please communicate privately by forwarding the message onto the relevant contact in the list.

How to temporarily suspend your list membership for while on leave:

  1. Go to and select ‘Subscribers Corner’
  2. Select the name of your chosen network
  3. Scroll down to ‘miscellaneous’ and choose ‘mail delivery disabled temporarily’

You can receive the messages in a digest format:

  1. Go to ‘Subscribers Corner’
  2. Under the section of ‘Subscription Type’ is an option of ‘Digest’.

You can leave the network at any time:

  1. Send the following message: Unsubscribe [insert name of group] to the following email address: [email protected].

Please note that the list is not moderated. We encourage the use of this resource for information as well as for discussion, queries and feedback. Use of the list is on the condition that requests for information received are not Freedom of Information Requests.

JISCmail is hosted by the Joint Information Systems Committee. For more information, see here.

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