Membership FAQs

Have a question? We've got the answer!

Find below, the common questions from our Members that address six areas: 

On your personal details:

How do I get a log on for the EAUC website?
I’ve forgotten my password – how do I get a new one?
How do I change my password?
How do I change/update my personal details?

General Membership queries

How do I join the EAUC and how much does it cost?
How do I add someone to the Contact List?
What is a Key Contact and how do I find out who they are?
What is the Finance Contact’s responsibility?
What is the Authorised Signatory’s responsibility?
What can I do as a Standard Contact?
How do I renew our Membership?
What do we do if our Membership has expired?
I’ve lost my invoice - how do I get a copy?
What do I get for our Membership fee?

Educational Membership

What regular communications do I receive from the EAUC with my Membership?
How can I submit an item to be included?
What is a Regional Group?
What are Communities of Practice?
I have a job I’d like to advertise – can the EAUC help?
How can I contact other EAUC Educational Members?
How can I receive personalised information which relates to my area of interest?
As an Educational Member, how can I get more involved in the EAUC and take a more active role?

Student / SU access to Educational Membership

Why are we doing this?
What benefits do students and student unions receive?
What don’t students and student unions receive?
How do I know if my institution is a Member?
Can a student join if the institution is not a Member?
How does a student or member of student union staff register with the EAUC?
What have you told students and student union staff?
How can I see what students/SU staff have been added to our Membership?
Why do students and student union staff have to ‘reactivate’ their contact details each year?
Is there a limit to how many students or members of student union staff can join?
Can a student continue receiving benefits once they have left an institution?
What if students or student union staff do not have an institution email (e.g. [email protected])
Can students and student unions receive EAUC Member discounts for events?
Do students and student unions get voting rights?
Will students and student union staff receive the EAUC Member survey?

Company Membership

What are the various packages you offer for Company Membership?
Why do I need to complete a sustainability questionnaire?
How do I upgrade my Company Membership package?
How can I advertise the fact that I’m an EAUC Member?
How do I get listed on the Green Directory?
How can I advertise in your Member communications e.g. eNews, website?
I’m looking to develop my knowledge of the sector – how can the EAUC help?

Website queries

I'm having problems with your website.


How do I search for previous discussions?

Updating your personal details

How do I get a log on for the EAUC website?
Your organisation must be Member of the EAUC before you can get a log on as a Member Contact, so first check whether your organisation is already a Member of the EAUC. Please follow the simple steps below:

• The Educational Members list can be found here, simply click on the dropdown menu for a list of Member institutions. Choose your institution and click ‘Go’ to find out if it has current membership. If it has, fill in all your details, making sure you choose the correct job title and type (particularly student contacts) and your areas of interest. Click ‘Send’ and you will soon receive an activation email with your username and password.

• The Company Members list can be found here. Once you have found your company, send an email to [email protected] with your title, first and last name, email address and job title or call 01242 714321. You will soon receive an activation email with your username and password.

Non-members who want to attend an EAUC event or purchase from our Shop can create a Shopper Account by going to the ‘Shop’ tab. This will allow you to book yourself onto an event at the Non-member rate only.

• If you’re not already an EAUC Member and would like join us, contact us on 01242 714321 or [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to the EAUC!

I’ve forgotten my password – how do I get a new one?
Don’t panic! Simply click on ‘forgotten password’. You’ll then be asked to type in your email address and your password will be reset and emailed to you immediately.

How do I change my password?
Log in with your old password then click the ‘My EAUC’ tab followed by ‘change password’ (left hand side of the page). Passwords have to be a minimum of 6 characters and we recommend you use a combination of letters (upper and lower case) and digits.

How do I change/update my personal details?
Log in and click the ‘My EAUC’ tab followed by ‘edit profile’, which is on the left hand side of the page. Remember to keep your personal details up-to-date, especially your interest areas as we use these to make sure you are informed about events and issues that are important to you.

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General Membership queries

How do I join the EAUC and how much does it cost?
EAUC Membership is for the whole organisation, whether you are an Educational Institution or a Company. To start your Membership journey, visit our Join page. Before you apply for Membership, please take time to read through the Membership information for your type of organisation and familiarise yourself with the full range of benefits of EAUC Membership.

Educational Institution – to see which Educational Institutions are Members, click here and scroll through the dropdown list. Once you have found your institution, you will be taken through the application process online which will also show you the current prices for Educational Membership. If your institution is not on the list, email [email protected] or call 01242 714321.

Company - to see which companies are already Members, click here. All Company Members have to pass our Sustainability Questionnaire to be considered for membership. To find out current prices for Company Membership and to apply, please contact [email protected] or 01242 714321.

How do I add someone to the Contact List?
Only the Key Contact for an organisation can add a new Member Contact on behalf of an institution. If you are the Key Contact then log in, click the ‘My EAUC’ tab and click ‘See All Contacts’ on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the Contacts list and click ‘Add contact’.

If you cannot get hold of your Key Contact, simply click 'register' on the homepage, choose the appropriate type of Membership, select your organisation and complete the form - remembering to add in the correct job title and job type (particularly for students or student unions) and any areas of interest. The new contact will then receive an email with their username and password, and details of how to get started. Should you have any difficulties, contact us at [email protected] or call 01242 714321. 

What is a Key Contact and how do I find out who they are?
A Key Contact is the main contact for the organisation and has the responsibility to allocate member contacts to the organisation and update the organisation’s details. To find out who is your Key Contact, go to the ‘My EAUC’ tab and click ‘See All Contacts’ on the left hand side of the page. The Key Contact’s name will be at the top of the list and has the icon of a key beside their name.

What is the Finance Contact’s responsibility?
A Finance Contact is the main contact in your accounts department. The Finance Contact has the responsibility to pay the Membership fees on behalf of the organisation.

What is the Authorised Signatory’s responsibility?
A Signatory is the appropriate senior manager of an organisation. The Signatory has the responsibility to agree to Membership of the EAUC, and although not necessarily involved in the day to day management of the organisation's account, will be contacted in the event of the Key Contact's departure.

What can I do as a Standard Contact?
A Standard Contact has access to locked pages and all membership benefits but cannot add new Member Contacts for an organisation.

How do I renew our Membership?
Annual Membership renewal can be paid by cheque, BACS or online by credit/debit card. A renewal invoice is automatically issued to your organisation’s Finance Contact two months before Membership expires, but you will also receive automatic system reminders as the renewal date approaches.

Please note that we cannot take card payments over the phone.

When your organisation’s Annual Membership is due for renewal:

1. First of all log in and click the ‘My EAUC’ tab followed by ‘see all contacts’ on the left hand side of the page.
2. On the contact list page click the ‘renew’ button, top right.
3. On the ‘payment options’ page click your preferred method of payment.
4. On the ‘order address details’ page make any changes necessary before proceeding to the next step.
5. On the ‘order confirmation’ page tick the terms and conditions box before clicking ‘place order’.
6. If you have chosen to pay by card you will then be redirected to Worldpay to securely collect your payment details.
7. If paying by cheque a printable order form will be generated which you can post along with your payment.
8. If you request an invoice a printable order form will be generated for your records. You will then receive an invoice.

What do we do if our Membership has already expired?
If your Membership has expired you will not simply be able to log in and click ‘renew’ as outlined above. A renewal invoice will have been issued to the Financial Contact who can still pay by BACS or cheque as normal, but if you wish to pay by card you will need to do the following:

1. Log in then click the ‘Shop’ tab followed by ‘Make a payment to the EAUC’.
2. Complete the ‘flexible payment’ information, including your invoice number if you have one, then click ‘add to basket’.
3. Check the details are correct then click ‘checkout’.
4. Follow steps 3 to 6 in Q 11. above.

I’ve lost my invoice - how do I get a copy?
If your original invoice has gone astray, email [email protected] or call 01241 714321 to request a replacement which will be forwarded by email as soon as possible.

What do I get for our Membership fee?
Access the full list of benefits by Membership type below. Remember, beyond this list of benefits, EAUC Membership welcomes you into a community of people who are all here to support you.

Educational Membership benefits
Company Membership benefits

Find out more about what we do and who we are.
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Educational Membership

What regular communications do I receive from the EAUC with my Membership?
We create a range of engaging Member communications designed to keep you up to date with EAUC, sector and Member news and events. They're created with you at the heart, so get involved and tell us your stories.

eNews - our bi-weekly email newsletter which reaches over 8,000 individual contacts. It provides a broad range of up to date information as well as news, events and reviews.

We also send many other emails on upcoming events and areas of interest.

How can I submit an item to be included?
All Members and partners are welcome to submit any articles with an environmental/sustainable development theme for possible publication in eNews and the latest news on the website. We'd love to hear from you! Articles can be scholarly, humorous or in any style you choose.

For eNews, simply submit a summary of your campaign materials eg press releases, logos, imagery and we’ll share it with all of our Members.

What is a Regional Group?
EAUC Regions are a group of EAUC Members united by geographical location and a desire to promote the cross-sector sharing of best practice. With growing numbers of EAUC Member institutions and individual contacts within them, it’s vital that the interests of all Members are voiced at both a regional and national level. For the Members themselves, having a ‘friend’ locally that understands the pressures specifically felt by that Region is powerful. Students and student representatives have access to certain regional groups. Find my local Regional group and join.

What are Communities of Practice?
To encourage more specialist learning and information sharing, we seek out and launch a range of Communities of Practice (COPs) to support focused and efficient networking. We currently have 15 COPs and have many more we’d like to develop over the coming years with our Members’ help.

Each COP has its own JISCmail group to enable the free flow of information and idea sharing. Although the groups are successful at communicating virtually, some hold in person meetings.  Find out more and join a Community of Practice.

I have a job I’d like to advertise – can the EAUC help?
EAUC Members benefit from free job advertising as a Member service. We advertise your sustainability-related job to our network of over 3,200 sustainability professionals. Simply email the job details including salary, job description and deadline for applications to [email protected]. View current jobs.

How can I contact other EAUC Educational Members?
The Educational Members' Network is the EAUC email forum. It lets you ask questions and circulate notifications to other EAUC Member Contacts. To join the forum, visit the Educational Members’ Network page and then click ‘join the online community’. You will soon be sent an email explaining how to post your email to the Member network. Students and student union representatives do not have access to the Educational Members' Network.

How can I receive personalised information which relates to my area of interest?
Firstly, you need to make sure your profile is always up to date with your current areas of interest. You can update this at any time by logging in and clicking the ‘My EAUC’ tab followed by ‘Edit Profile’, which is on the left hand side of the page. Select the areas of interest and hit ‘save’. We periodically send events and information that is specific to those who have selected this as their area of interest.

As an Educational Member, how can I get more involved in the EAUC and take a more active role?
There are lots of ways to really make the most of your Membership and get actively involved in our thriving community. Here are just a few suggestions:

• Join a Community of Practice
• Join a Regional group
• Come along to our Annual Conference
• Attend an EAUC CPD event
• Found an interesting resource? Why not share it with our Members by sending it to us and we’ll add it to our extensive online resource bank on the Sustainability Exchange?
• Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with the latest EAUC news
• Got a burning question? Ask all of our Members at a click of a button with the Educational Members Network.

None of the above take your fancy? Just pick up the phone and contact us on 01242 714321 or email us at [email protected]. We’re here to help you and point you in the right direction.

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Student / SU access to Educational Membership

Why are we doing this?
With the growing need for institutions to engage and work together with students to improve their sustainability performance, we feel there is great value in adding the ability for institutions to include students within their Educational Membership. We believe that by allowing students/student unions to benefit from an institution's membership of the EAUC, Members themselves will gain further value.

What benefits do students and student unions receive?
• Students and student unions will receive a log in allowing them to access all Member only pages of the EAUC website. This means they will be able to access all the benefits and services of EAUC Membership, which can be found at (with the exception of the Educational Members’ JISCMail Network, see below)
• They will be able to download the institution’s Member certificate to use as evidence of their own professional development

What don’t students and student unions receive?
• The EAUC Educational Members’ JISCMail Network will not be available to students or student unions. We know how important peer to peer networking and communication is to you, and this ability to ask questions, raise queries and discuss issues with colleagues from other institutions will remain only available to staff. If they ask to sign up, they will be declined

How do I know if my institution is a Member?
You can view a list of all current EAUC Members at

Can a student join if the institution is not a Member?
Students and Student Unions can only access services if their institution is a current EAUC Member. If your institution is not a Member, we encourage you to engage with the student or student union to join as this will bring greater partnership and benefits. If the institution does not wish to join, student unions can join on behalf of their institution at This Membership will be for the whole institution.

30. How does a student or member of student union staff register with the EAUC?
Any students or student union staff interested in accessing the benefits of their institution’s Membership can do so in a number of ways:

Recommended: Register via the EAUC website (reducing the workload for the Key Contact). To do this they should visit and then select their institution from the list. The form should be completed in full, making sure you include your job title (e.g. ‘student’ or ‘student union manager’) and job type as ‘student’ or ‘student union’. Once the form has been submitted, we will then approve the application and send an email with the log in details.

Alternatively, the Key Contact for the EAUC Membership may add any new contacts by logging in to ‘My EAUC’, choosing ‘see all contacts’ and then ‘add contact’. Again, for students/SU staff it is very important that the job title and job type be selected as ‘student’ or ‘student union’. They will then be activated immediately and receive an email with their log in details.

To view a full list of your institution’s contacts, visit My EAUC.

What have you told students and student union staff?
At this stage we will not be proactively sharing this news with the wider student body as we want you to use this as an opportunity to create/maintain a dialogue with your students and student unions. In a few months, we will be working with the NUS to ensure those students who would benefit from this new service are aware and taking advantage.

We already had a number of students as Member contacts on certain institutional Memberships through the Annual Conference student day offering and other campaigns. These students have been emailed to let them know about this development and the fact that they will need to actively reactivate they membership every year.

In addition, we had a number of student unions on our database as we offered them a separate Membership type. Those student unions based at institutions who are current EAUC Members have been contacted to let them know about this new access.

How can I see what students/SU staff have been added to our Membership?
We recommend that you review the full list of Member contacts for your institution to ensure you’re aware of who is already on your membership before you start sharing this news. You can do this by logging into My EAUC and click ‘see all contacts’. On this screen you will see the name and job title for each Member contact so you will be able to identify any students or SU staff.

Why do students and student union staff have to ‘reactivate’ their contact details each year?
Due to the ever changing nature of the student body, each year (by 31 October) we will automatically remove access from all students and student union staff from the institution’s Membership. If they are still at the institution the following academic year and wish to continue to have access to the Membership, they will be asked to confirm this to us via email. This is to protect your EAUC Membership and not allow students who are no longer at your institution to take advantage of it. It will also ensure our contact database remains up to date.

Is there a limit to how many students or members of student union staff can join?
No. There are currently no limits to the number of staff or students who can benefit  from your institution’s Membership. However, we reserve the right to change this.

35. Can a student continue receiving benefits once they have left an institution?
Unfortunately no, they can only access services whilst they are at the Member institution. However, we do hope that former students will encourage their new employers to become Members – you can view details of our Company Membership at

What if students or student union staff do not have an institution email (e.g. [email protected])
If the student or member of student union staff wishes to use an alternative email account rather than an institution email account, we will ask the Key Contact (the member of staff responsible for managing EAUC Membership) to confirm that they are a student at their institution. To minimise the delay or workload for the Key Contact, we recommend students register via our website and use their institutional email address as we can verify this automatically. Students can do this by clicking on the ‘Register’ button.

Can students and student unions receive EAUC Member discounts for events?
Yes. Students and student unions will automatically receive any Member discounts for our events  in the same way as all staff of the Member institution. We are committed to maintaining a reduced student day rate for the Annual Conference.

Do students and student unions get voting rights?
Students and student unions will not be given voting rights – unless the Member institution chooses to assign the voting right to such an individual.

Will students and student union staff receive the EAUC Member survey?
Students and student union staff will not be invited to take part in the Member survey as services are and will continue to be designed for and aimed at the needs of staff.

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Company Member queries

What are the various packages you offer for Company Membership?
We offer a number of EAUC Company Member packages to suit your needs and requirements. We will develop a relationship with you to understand your needs and work with you to select a Membership package that suits your business objectives.

For an overview of the four Company Membership packages available click here.

Why do I need to complete a sustainability questionnaire?
All Company Members have to pass our sustainability questionnaire to become Members which identifies their commitment to giving the sector a sustainable future. To build relationships with key decision makers in the sector, this stamp of approval from the EAUC demonstrates their credibility within the sector as a legitimate supplier with a sustainability ethos.

How do I upgrade my Company Membership package?
If you’d like to upgrade your Membership to take advantage of additional benefits that offer a more targeted approach and a more bespoke relationship with us, you can do this at any time. Simply call 01242 714321.

How can I advertise the fact that I’m an EAUC Member?
When you join, we provide you with our logo to promote our relationship on your website and in external and internal communications. This will raise your credibility in the sector and shows your commitment to sustainability as the EAUC is highly influential. The EAUC brand is very recognisable and those Members that carry the logo are deemed to be credible and mirror the sustainability ethos. You can also download your Member certificate on My EAUC which can again be used to advertise our relationship.

How do I get listed on the Green Directory?
The Green Directory is our comprehensive sustainability product and service directory which showcases our Company Members. If your company is an EAUC Company Member and you aren’t already listed then contact [email protected] and we will send you a Green Directory Submission Form to capture all your company information. Once we have your details on the Green Directory we’ll email you the link for your approval.

How can I advertise in your Member communications eg eNews, website?
There are many opportunities to promote your work, share best practice and case studies in our Member communication channels. We have built in various complementary promotional opportunities into our four Company Membership packages.

Likewise, if you’d like to discuss a one-off opportunity such as creating an advertorial in our publications or sponsorship opportunities, EAUC Members get preferential rates on our advertising and sponsorship rate card. Simply contact us on 01242 714321 or [email protected] and we can find the perfect solution for your needs.

I’m looking to develop my knowledge of the sector – how can the EAUC help?
One of the most important ways we support our Members is by providing a comprehensive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training and events programme for staff working towards sustainability. Our programme is unique, with topical experts and real sector application, you will return to work inspired.

Our training events are available at very affordable rates, with added discounts for EAUC Members. 

These are a fantastic opportunity to update your knowledge, learn about the sector and to network with key individuals from the sector. View our latest events.

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I'm having problems with your website
If you encounter any problems on our website then please email [email protected] or call 01242 714321.

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We know that there are many topics that come up regularly on the discussion networks so here is a quick and easy guide on how to search for previous discussions:
1. Go to and click on ‘Subscribers Corner’
2. Click on the discussion network you would like to search – for example ‘EAUC-Members’ is the list for the Member Discussion Network
3. The three ‘Latest messages’ are shown in a box near the top of the page. Click the message to read the entire post.
4. To search the list for a particular topic use the 'Search Archive' box on the right-hand side of the screen. Type the keyword/s you would like to search for and this will bring up a list of all posts containing that word/phrase.
5. You can further refine your search by adding parameters.

If you don't find the answer you're looking for here, give the Membership Services team a call on 01242 714321 or email [email protected].

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