EAUC Scotland Staff and Governance

The EAUC Scotland Team are home-based, and live across central and north Scotland. 

See below for our team members, and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

e: scotland@eauc.org.uk


In addition to the UK-wide EAUC governance structures, the EAUC Scotland office have our own governance system, which is detailed in the Terms of Reference available to download below. This includes a strategic steer from our Advisory Group, consisting of two representatives from FE institutions and two from HE institutions. The four current Advisory Group members are introduced below. 

Our Annual General Meeting and quarterly Forum meetings, open to anyone who works in or with the Further or Higher Education Sector, offer the opportunity for everyone to contribute to the activities and direction of the EAUC Scotland office, and discuss key interests and issues for Scottish FHE sustainability.

Upcoming Forum Meetings are listed on the EAUC Events page. Find out more about our Forum meetings and previous meeting minutes in the Downloads from this page. If you would like to access previous minutes which are not shown here, please contact us. 

EAUC Scotland Team

Matt Woodthorpe
Scotland Programme Manager

Matt manages the EAUC Scotland Team and Programme, taking responsibility for ensuring delivery of funded activities and that they remain aligned with the needs of the sector. They should be the first point of contact for specific requests from partner organisations and companies, and will always be happy to discuss collaboration and funding opportunities.

Email: mwoodthorpe@eauc.org.uk

Alice Smith
Scotland Networks and Communications Officer

Alice leads on supporting and developing our networks, communications, resource development, and supporting the team with general administration. She is the first contact within the team for general and event enquiries from colleges, universities and partner organisations.

Email: asmith@eauc.org.uk

Rory Hill
Sustainability Project Manager for the Central and South of Scotland College Partnership

Rory works directly with three EAUC Member Colleges - Borders College, Forth Valley College, and West Lothian College - to support their sustainability journey in a shared service model as part of a pilot project.

Email: rhill@eauc.org.uk 

Kathrin Mobius
Sustainability in Learning & Teaching Project Officer

Kathrin supports teaching staff, curriculum managers, and lecturers through our Education for Sustainable Development Network and regular events, as well as development of resources, advice, and advocacy. She also develops resources around Green Careers for students, and guidance for careers advisers and student support staff.

Email: kmobius@eauc.org.uk 

Lara Fahey
Scotland Sustainability Project Officer

Lara develops resources for our members showcasing best practice within the college and university sector such as our Business Travel Guide and Climate Risk Register. She also delivers events and engagement networks including the Travel & Transport and Sustainable Waste Management TSNs. 

Email: lfahey@eauc.org.uk 

Advisory Group

Billy Currie
EAUC Scotland Convenor
Further Education AG Representative
Dumfries and Galloway College

Lisa McGovern
Further Education AG Representative
City of Glasgow College

Dr Roddy Yarr
Higher Education AG Representative
University of Glasgow

Craig Anderson
Higher Education AG Representative
University of Stirling

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