Introduction to EAUC Regions and Branches

We currently operate eight Regions, offering vital representation for institutions in the post-16 education sector across the UK and Ireland.

Regions can meet physically and virtually. It’s vital that they engage frequently with the EAUC to share developments made within the group, in order to benefit the wider EAUC Members.

Regions include EAUC Members and non-Members, however, the EAUC is able to support Regions more comprehensively when all group participants of that Region are EAUC Members because it ensures those people - and their institutions - can access all the benefits of the EAUC.

Benefits of Regional Groups
  • Having local efficiencies, such as shared contracts.
  • Uniting higher and further education.
  • Encouraging collaborative learning, sharing of best practice and useful resources.
  • Sharing of challenges, pressures and problems which can be overcome together  -. for Regions, this can often be local Government legislation and decision-making.
  • Groups can bring in speakers for regular workshop sessions. The EAUC Executive Office can also support this.
  • Local networking opportunities.
  • Obtaining funding as a group - often more successful than individual bids.

We also operate Branches, which function differently to EAUC's Regions, but which receive similar forms of support. Branches are countries - such as Wales - rather than sub-national divisions - South Wales. These are defined differently by the EAUC, therefore enabling them to have specific rights. For example, the the right to a Convenor, who themselves has a right to sit on the EAUC Board of Trustees. This ensures the activity of these Branches is incorporated in the strategic governance of the organisation.

The EAUC has three Branches: England, Wales and Scotland/Ireland (combined).

Visit the below pages for further insight:
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