Global Alliance
What is it?
The Global Alliance of Tertiary Education and Student Sustainability Networks was set up in March 2015 at the EAUC Annual Conference, which took place at the University of Leeds. Member networks recognise the importance of collaboration in putting universities, colleges and students at the heart of the international challenge to address sustainability, each one with a unique and valuable perspective to contribute. You can find updates up to 2018 here.
Our “network of networks” regroups the major national and international organisations working to make university and college institutions a major contributor to The Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to build on the momentum of the UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative- HESI and ensure a dialogue between Higher Education Institutions, student networks and UN bodies under the HESI umbrella. The graphic, on the right hand side, reflects the HESI/Global Alliance partnership.
The Global Alliance launched, with the support of HESI, the SDG Accord. The Accord is a mechanism to keep the HESI momentum alive and to assess SDG progress amongst universities and colleges. At the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2018, HESI members agreed to receive the SDG Accord report and recommendations at each forthcoming annual HLPF meetings. The progress by SDG Accord signatories is reported annually at the HLPF for Sustainable Development.
What is the aim?
The overarching aim is to connect our Members and provide a collective and more powerful voice that contributes to global developments. In turn, this has an impact on National Governments which can better support our individual Educational Members to deliver a more sustainable institution. We can do more together than alone. Find our what we're doing here.
Who is a member?
This Global Alliance will work in line with United Nation's activities, such as the UN Environment’s Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES). The Global Alliance includes the following organisations:
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
- Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS)
- Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education (AISHE)
- Alianza de Redes Iberoamericanas de Universidades por la Sustentabilidad y el Ambiente (ARIUSA)
- Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities (APSCC)
- Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CCUEN)
- Campus Sustainability Network in Japan (CAS-Net Japan)
- China Green University Network (CGUN)
- Collective for the Integration of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Higher Education (CIRSES)
- Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
- Copernicus Alliance and University Educators For Sustainable Development - UE4SD
- EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education
- EcoCampus Belgium
- Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) and International Journal of Cleaner Production
- Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
- Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI)
- Graines de Changement
- Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI)
- International Association of Universities (IAU)
- International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN)
- Korean Association for Green Campus Initiative (KAGI)
- Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in Africa (MESA)
- National Institute of Technology - Fukushima College
- Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN)
- ProSPER.Net
- Regional University Consortium Asia Pacific
- Rootability
- Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS)
- Studenten voor Morgen
- Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN)
- Sustainable University Network of Thailand (SUN)
- UK Youth Climate Coalition (UKYCC)
- Union of Students in Ireland (USI)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU)
- US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development & the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS)