EAUC Scotland Conference 2018: A Decade of Progress
16 October 2018
09:00 - 17:00
City of Glasgow College, City Campus
Download Calendar Event
Online Bookings are now closed, if you wish to attend the conference please contact [email protected]
A Decade of Progress is the theme for this year’s EAUC-Scotland conference. The event will highlight progress and celebrate successes from the decade past, and vision the decade ahead, to coincide with the EAUC-Scotland office’s 10 year anniversary.
For more information on the Conference, including the Programme and exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, click here.
We have four optional early-morning sessions on the day for those who can get to City of Glasgow College for a 9am start, with the main programme kicking off at 10am. Please select the package below for your preferred start time and session.
Attendees who are not from universities or colleges are warmly invited to contact us to discuss sponsorship and engagement opportunities before booking a delegate place
Booking Options
Delegate rates are as follows:
- £100 - Educational and Partner Attendees Early Bird Discount Tickets (£120 from 16th September)
- £120 - Out-of-Sector Early Bird Discount Tickets (£140 from 16th September)
- £50 - Current Student Tickets (must be booked by emailing [email protected])