
Welcome to the EAUC blog! You will find a mixture of articles by our educational members, strategic partners, company members, and of course, ourselves. The featured articles show what is happening across the sector.

Please be mindful that the views and opinions expressed here belong to the blog author therefore are not necessarily reflective of the views and opinions of the EAUC.

If you have an article you would like to submit, or would like the article specification, just email us.

For the fifth and final instalment of our Reducing Aviation Emissions blog series, we have a technical piece by Joanne Murraybrown, Sustainability Strategy Project Manager at the University of Oxford. Joanne and her colleagues have been responsible for implementing the University’s Flight Levy where business travel is charged a levy of £30 per tonne of carbon emitted. This policy is leading the sector in this area, so we decided to ask Joanne to give an update on how the implementation is going. It is hoped that others might take inspiration in this area of internally taxing flights.

For the fourth instalment of our Reducing Aviation Emissions blog series, we have an informative blog by Ailsa Lamont, Co-Founder of the International Education Sustainability Group (IESG). Read on to discover how our institutions can reduce their aviation emissions related to international education, without compromising on global reach and impact.

We caught up with Maria Kirrane, Head of Sustainability and Climate Action at University College Cork, to find out more about their International Green Gown Award-winning green campus programme. 

For the third instalment of our Reducing Aviation Emissions blog series, we have a poem by Dr Shona Russell. Dr Russell has written a personal reflection on the need to fly for academic conferences, whilst juggling caring responsibilities, via the medium of a poem. 

For the second instalment of our Aviation Decarbonisation Series, Dr Ellsworth-Krebs has written a personal reflection on the need to fly as an early career researcher (ECR), responding to the often quoted ‘need’ for ECRs to fly to succeed in their academic career.

This briefing paper sets out the aviation decarbonisation challenge, current best practice, and present and future solutions to meet this part of the net zero challenge.

Committed to a Carbon Literacy training pledge and in the pursuit of creating a more sustainable future, Heart of Worcestershire College recently organised a Clothing Swap Shop that not only brought our campus community together but also made a significant impact on reducing clothing waste.

Campuses’ catering facilities are frequently the hub of the students’ social community and exist as a place for rest and nourishment. So many young people are advocating for their college to extend its sustainability action to the menus and facilities on offer.

Although there is a growing evidence base around environmental sustainability in health and social care, there are many unanswered questions. This theme links strongly to the two-way relationship that care and environment share, and taking a sustainable approach to health should deliver equitable outcomes and engage all people.

To tackle the lack of clarity as to where these skills sit within career paths for young people, many colleges are making real efforts to upskill not only students, but their staff too.

Does the digital world fit into the sustainability agenda? Are new technologies important in driving a college's positive impact?

Colleges Week is a time of celebration and appreciation for the invaluable role that further education institutions play in our society. Today's theme is Construction, so who are we featuring?

Borders College, Forth Valley College, West Lothian College and EAUC have collaborated on an award-nominated shared-services model that has helped each college increase its own dedicated sustainability resource, whilst taking collaboration and sector sustainability learning to new level.

As a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability in the further and higher education sectors, we know that addressing our carbon footprint transparently is important, and that this must include Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 includes su...

We can no longer ignore the facts about climate change but how we communicate them matters

Shipley College was the first college in the world to sign the SDG Accord in 2017 – what an achievement for a small FE College in West Yorkshire! But what do the UN SDGs mean mean for a small FE institution?

As a Fairtrade accredited university since 2011, the University of Greenwich will host its annual Ethical Food and Fairtrade Fortnight (EFFF), which helps to raise awareness of the sustainability impacts of food and what we as individuals and as an institution can do to help people make better choices.

A timely article released on holocaust Memorial Day 2023, Paul Vare ponders how we are all in danger of perpetrating outrageous acts simply by going with the flow. if we are not directing our energies towards stimulating a regenerative way of life and using our positions to work proactively against potential global calamity, are we any better than Eichmann?

Higher and further education providers urgently need to get better at measuring and reporting their carbon footprint. EAUC interim chief executive Fiona Goodwin introduces a new standardised carbon emissions framework.

Many universities and colleges may have experienced limited student travel over the past few years but with international experiences an important component of any education, we must consider how these experiences play a part in sustainability education for both staff and students. Gemma Hall, Brand Manager at StudyLink Tours, shares insights into how group travel can be both greener and slower.

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