An Invitation from Iain Patton

Delivering the framework for a sustainability learning legacy for the higher and further education sector 

Dear colleagues

As the EAUC's CEO and Conference Chair, I would like to invite all EAUC Members and non-Members to join us at the 2012 EAUC Annual Conference.

With the Olympics coming to town, 2012 is going to be a great year for the UK, tourism and all the sporting capitals and venues up and down the country. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) is not only ensuring that the venues, facilities and infrastructure will be on track and embedded as sustainably as possible but also ensuring that they will harness all the potential and deliver Games that leave a lasting social, economic and environmental legacy to London, the communities and the whole of the UK.

The ODA’s Learning Legacy is a collaborative approach between the ODA, contractors, professional institutes, government bodies and academia, and builds on the ethos set by the ODA of setting targets well above the industry benchmarks, meeting the majority of these and, in a number of cases, exceeding expectations.

We are delighted to announce that we will hear more about the Learning Legacy from Simon Wright, Director of Utilities and Infrastructure, ODA, and how we can use and adapt these learnings for the benefit of the sector from Richard Jackson who, from 2005 to 2011, was Head of Sustainability for the ODA. He is now Head of Environmental Sustainability, University College London so he can share how this insight can be used in the education sector. What better way to share and learn from the best!

Over the three Conference days, we will hear from other notable keynote speakers including Dr Peter White, Director, Global Sustainability, Procter & Gamble and Dr David Pencheon, Director of the NHS Sustainable Development Unit (England), Satish Kumar, Editor-in-Chief, Resurgence and after-dinner speaker Prof Sue Hartley, Director, York Environmental Sustainability Institute, University of York. Hearing about sustainability drives from out of the sector organisations (private and public) gives us valuable insight and motivation. More information on our speakers can be found on our here.

With great Conference sessions, keynote speakers, networking events, exhibition and a student day, this unique event remains to be THE environmental and sustainability annual event for the higher and further education sector and is key in highlighting the sector’s successes on sustainability issues. Please join us! 

Iain Patton,

Delivered by EAUC