The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) together with two of its part...
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) together with two of its partner universities across the GUPES Europe region (Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability) has recently started providing innovative online learning through Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). 

This year has already seen two MOOCs completed. The first was a 12 week MOOC titled Disasters and Ecosystems: Resilience in a Changing Climate with the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). The second was a month long MOOC titled Pathways to climate change adaptation: the case of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with the University of Geneva. The SIDS MOOC had a total enrolment of 8,492 participants from 199 countries; while the Disaster MOOC had an enrolment of over 12,000 participants from 189 countries.

Based on this experience, UNEP would like to explore more MOOCs and they would be interested to learn about your own experiences of offering MOOCs. They are interested to learn:

1. The title of any MOOC you have run with a sustainability theme
2. The number of people who responded
3. The title of any scheduled MOOCs relevant to sustainability
4. Whether you are interested in exploring the development or linking of MOOCS to UNEP’s work in Europe
5. Whether you can provide a relevant contact

If you are interested please send your responses to this email address wayne@wtaeducationservices.com.
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