Scope 3 Working Group

The EAUC are leading the sector in developing a response to the Climate Crisis through the Climate Emergency Framework.

As part of this work we are facilitating a Scope 3 Working Group and Sub-Groups to further help and support the sector in this area.

Click here for a guide to Scope 3.

The Scope 3 Working Group is Co-Chaired with EAUC and HEPA. Members of the group include procurement professionals and sustainability professionals along with the sector's purchasing consortia. If you are interested in joining the Scope 3 Working Group or any of the Sub-Groups then please contact us

The Sub-Groups were agreed as the highest impact areas for institutions. Meetings take place virtually and we have discussions groups to help share good practice. Our aim is to develop tools that are sector wide and free to use so we have a consistent way of measuring and reporting Scope 3 across the sector. Updates from the Scope 3 Working Group will be shared with EAUC & HEPA members.

The Working Group are looking at:
  • Updating the HESCET reporting tool with the latest Defra Conversion Factors
  • Focus on the key highest impact areas and create tools and resources for these
  • Long term aim to encourage sector wide reporting with one possibility for Scope 3 to be included within HESA EMR reporting
HESCET - A Scope 3 Calculation Tool for the Education Sector:
The HESCET tool is now owned by BUFDG on behalf of the sector. The tool has been updated with the latest Defra Conversion Factors. You can view the tool here. This will be sent out via your purchasing consortia.

Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct

The Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct has been collaboratively developed and reviewed by the Sustain Project, members including APUC, LUPC, HEPA, EAUC, various HE/FE institutional Procurement and Sustainability leaders, NUS (and other student associations) and People & Planet. Coordinated by and copyright © managed by APUC Ltd, Incorporated in Scotland number SC 314764. 

There are two versions - one is ready for use and one is editable for institutions to customise or including within relevant procurement and guidance documents. You can access these here. The University of Manchester have also adapted this to include the SDG's and is attached to promote good practice. The Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct may be used by any member of all UKUPC consortia and / or EAUC, and by the members of the Sustain Project.

Access the new Responsible Procurement Glossary developed by the UKUPC Responsible Procurement Network. 

Food & Catering Scope 3 Sub-Group

If you wish to join the Food Scope 3 Sub-Group please contact us. We are working closely with TUCO.
  • Greenhouse Gas Footprint Tool: This is a free for all to use to calculate menu's or individual items GHG emissions. It can also be used as a tool to engage procurement decisions based on food ingredients. It is also includes an example of how much carbon equates to in miles driven in a typical petrol car to help engage users. The same tool is used by the Vegan Society. We are working with TUCO to provide more details on the calculations used in the tool.
  •  Saffron: A one stop catering management tool: 
  • Procure Wizard: A complete hospitality management solution.
  • Forward Food - provide free training for catering staff and teams. They also offer free GHG assessments. They come recommended by King's College London and University of London.
  • Foodsteps - Environmental impact assessments and sustainability solutions for food businesses
  • Sharing Series - Food Policy & Growing

Travel Scope 3 Sub-Group

If you wish to join the Travel Scope 3 Sub-Group please contact us
  • We are working with The Roundtable of Sustainable Academic Travel in making a tool which allows institutions to enter all staff travel - from suppliers such as travel agencies, taxi companies etc. as well as expense forms. This converts into a carbon equivalent. The tool is able to report on departmental levels as well as on an individual level which can be crucial for behaviour change as well as analysis of where improvements and changes can be made. We hope to set up a pilot the tool with University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, University of Bristol and Lancaster University over the coming months. Following a successful pilot we will roll this tool out - free to use - for the sector. You can see an example of the tool at
  • An overview of travel emissions from Scotland institutions (which makes up 20% of all emissions) is available here.

IT Scope 3 Sub-Group

If you wish to join the IT Scope 3 Sub-Group please contact us

We are in early discussions with JISC and UCISA and the Russell Group IT Group on potential tools to help the sector. A focus on life cycle costing is preferred. APUC and LUPC to look to main suppliers (HP & Dell) for data that they can provide as well as infrastructure providers such as CISCO and Oracle. 

Use the Sustain Code of Conduct with your suppliers asking them for carbon data on their products. 

Construction Scope 3 Sub-Group

If you wish to join the Construction Scope 3 Sub-Group please contact us

We are in early discussions on potential tools to help the sector and liaising with research that is taking place across the sector in this area.
  • University of Leeds and University of Bath are at early stages of research in this area and will share their findings in due course.
  • University of Warwick are working on a draft policy to ensure all new capital development procurement incorporates carbon and life cycle. 
  • University of Edinburgh have a carbon embodied tool and are working on research on carbon materials. As well as modelling tools for energy performance.


  • Work with your suppliers to get carbon emissions on their products
  • Make this standard for new builds/refurbishments


  • Work with your suppliers to get carbon emissions on their products

If you would like to join any of these discussion groups please contact us at
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