Red Tape Challenge

As you may be aware, the 'Red Tape Challenge' was launched in April...
As you may be aware, the 'Red Tape Challenge' was launched in April to open up Government regulation to the scrutiny and challenge of the public, businesses and experts. The website is being used to gather innovative ideas on how the aims of our regulations can be fulfilled in the most successful and least burdensome ways.

Ultimately, they hope to encourage greater personal responsibility and remove barriers to growth by freeing up businesses from red tape. 

However, to support a sustainable green economy we have to make sure that environmental, climate change and energy policies are being implemented in the most effective way possible, and our regulations are not strangling businesses and individuals with red tape. The Government want to use the Red Tape Challenge to hear your thoughts on how environmental, climate change and energy regulations are working in practice – what works well, as well as what does not – and whether there are alternative means of better achieving policy goals. If you have particular thoughts, for example on what woul improve transparency of environmental/energy data, take innovative approaches to compliance of environmental/energy measures, or change default behaviour, please share them.

Leave a comment on the website
or send a submission to the Red Tape Challenge Team at

Deadline: 21 September 2011

More details can be found in the PDF below.
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