Presentations 2011


Download file eauc_11_apr_11_(2)_sara_parkin.ppt
Day 1 Keynote Address, Sara Parkin - Forum for the Future (6.5Mb)
Download file sustainable_procurement__the_buy_right_campaign_plus_spce.ppt
Day 1 Conference Session 1, Sustainable Procurement & the Buy Right Campaign, Janine Hamilton – Sustainable Procurement Centre of Excellence, Jim Cranshaw – People & Planet (5.3Mb)
Download file eauc_poe_workshop_april_2011_pptx.pdf
Day 1 Conference Session 1, Post-Occupancy Evaluation – Feedback for Better Buildings, Laura Birrell – BRE (439Kb)
Download file eaucyork11apr2011adrianleaman.pdf
Day 1 Conference Session 1, Post-Occupancy Evaluation – Feedback for Better Buildings, Adrian Leaman – Usable Buildings Trust (2.5Mb)
Download file who_ever_comes_is_the_right_people.ppt
Day 1 Conference Session 1, Student Engagement with Sustainability: A Participation, not a Presentation, Harriet Waters – Oxford Brookes University, Sheri-Leigh Miles – ESD Solutions (51Kb)
Download file minimising_energy_consumption_in_laboratories_–_the_york_jo_hossell_pptx.pdf
Day 1 Conference Session 2, Safe, Successful and Sustainable Laboratories, Studios and Workshops, Jo Hossell – University of York (546Kb)
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Day 1 Conference Session 2, Safe, Successful and Sustainable Laboratories, Studios and Workshops, Professor Peter James - University of Bradford (2.5Mb)
Download file sustainable_workshops_helen_cutts_pptx.pdf
Day 1 Conference Session 2, Safe, Successful and Sustainable Laboratories, Studios and Workshops, Helen Cutts - Wigan and Leigh College (350Kb)
Download file eauc_april_2011_pptx.pdf
Day 1 Conference Session 2, Sustainable Master Planning – Delivering the Vision, Jon Meacock – University of York (979Kb)
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Day 1 Conference Session 2, The Art of Herding Cats, Harriet Sjerps-Jones – University of Exeter, Jeffrey Newman – Earth Charter UK (699Kb)
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Day 2, Keynote Address,Martyn Hulme, Managing Director, Co-operative Estates (11.3Mb)
Download file increasing_renewable_generation_alan_brookes_pptx.pdf
Day 2, Guide to Renewable Generation’ Launch – Alan Brookes, The Energy Consortium (1.1Mb)
Download file eauc_workshop_1.ppt
Day 2 Conference Session 3, Going Greener – The Role of Student Engagement & Behaviour Change Needed for Low Carbon Futures, Ric Lander – Transition Edinburgh University, Louise Hazan – People & Planet & FE representative (14.6Mb)
Download file eauc-conference-full_12_04_11_pptx.pdf
Day 2, Conference Session 3, The Elephant in the Room: Measuring Carbon Emissions from Procurement, Travel, Waste & Water Paul Brockway – Arup, Jonathan Green – JMP, Karl Letten – De Montfort University (631Kb)
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Day 2 Conference Session 4, Sustainability at your Institution through the use of Green ICT, Geoff Constable – Aberystwyth University (1.4Mb)
Download file eauc_nerc_presentation.ppt
Day 2 Conference Session 4, Enhancing Biodiversity – Part I – What you Can Do and How it Can Benefit your Institution, Nick White – Biodiversity Coordinator, Natural England (1.7Mb)
Download file rob_bristow_eauc_conf_2011.ppt
Day 2 Conference Session 4, Sustainability at your Institution through the use of Green ICT, Sara Porter/Rob Brislow - JISC (1.7Mb)
Download file why_green_ict_amanda_hindley_pptx.pdf
Day 2 Conference Session 4, Sustainability at your Institution through the use of Green ICT, Amanda Hindley (358Kb)
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Day 2 Conference Session 4, Enhancing Biodiversity – Part I – What you Can Do and How it Can Benefit your Institution, Dr Rob Stoneman, Chief Executive, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (9.9Mb)
Download file york_university_presentation_pptx.pdf
Day 2 Conference Session 4, Communicating Effectively, Chris Smith – EcoTube (6.8Mb)
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Day 2, Conference Session 5, Behaviour Change in Practice: Outputs, Outcomes and Future Opportunities Representatives from NUS: Olivia Knight Adams – Greener Living Project Coordinator, Charlotte Bonner– Green Impact Project Manager, Elizabeth Bone – Rese (3.3Mb)
Download file workshop_slides.ppt
Day 2 Conference Session 5, Enhancing Biodiversity – Part II – Promoting Biodiversity & Engaging the Community – Practical Steps, Fleur Ruckley with Barbra Harvie, Ecologist – both from University of Edinburgh, Andrew Drysdale – Scottish Agricultural (1.3Mb)
Download file 13_april_0845_financing_sustainability_eauc.ppt
Day 3 Confernce Session 6, Financing Sustainability, Neil Scott – Staffordshire University, Helen Cutts – Wigan & Leigh College, Jo Kemp – Student Force, Damian Oatway – University of Manchester, Sam Moore – Salix Finance (2.2Mb)
Download file get_cycling_seminar_presentation_08_45_-_09_45.ppt
Day 3 Conference Session 6, Get Cycling! Making a Cycle Salary Sacrifice Scheme Work & Building Partnerships, Laura Wellington - City College Plymouth (5.1Mb)
Download file get_cycling_presentation_terry_blackwood.pdf
Day 3 Conference Session 6, Get Cycling! Making a Cycle Salary Sacrifice Scheme Work & Building Partnerships,Terry Blackwood/Richard McGurn – Get Cycling (1.1Mb)
Download file chris_lorimer_eauc_presentationv2.ppt
Day 3 Conference Session 6, Are we ready for the green economy, 1 (1.2Mb)
Download file edexcel_-_sustainabilty_-_green_progress_john_fincham.ppt
Day 3 Conference Session 6, Are we ready for the green economy 2 (236Kb)
Download file effective__efficientr_office_workspaces_pdf.pdf
Day 3 conference session 7, Efficient and Effective Office Workplaces, Simon Austin – Loughborough Universirty, Fiona Duggan – FiD (6Mb)
Download file lfhw_session.ppt
Day 3 Conference Session 7, Inspirational Food – How can we Inspire Universities and Colleges to Reduce Waste through Positive, Daniel O ’Connor – Newcastle University, Dave Morton – University of Winchester, Jo Kemp – StudentForce, Emma Marsh – WRA (15Mb)
Download file eauc_2011_session_presentation_paul_cross.pdf
Day 3, Conference session 8, How to embed corporate responsibility into your organisation, Paul Cross – Oxford Brookes University (486Kb)
Download file euac_ellen_macarthur.ppt
Day 3 Keynote Address, Ellen MacArthur, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (24Mb)
Delivered by EAUC