Learn from the best! Green Gown Award winners and highly commended - with video!

Topics covered:
What does it take to win a Green Gown Award? Aside from submitting a great sustainability project, the skill of submitting a great application is an art unto itself. Come and hear case studies from past winners/highly commended and hear about not only their projects but also their advice when submitting
that all important application.
• Research and development category (Highly Commended 2011) – Cranfield University with “Carbon Brainprint”
• Courses category (Winner 2011) – University of Exeter with “The One Planet MBA”
• Courses category (Winner 2008 & Highly Commended 2011) – Bedford College with “Training for Sustainability” & “Interactive Learning for Sustainability”, Colleges category (Highly Commended 2009) with “Embedding Sustainability” and Skills category (Winner 2010) with “Skills for a Low
Carbon Economy”

Gareth Ellis, Energy Manager (Cranfield University), Jackie Bagnell, Deputy Director One Planet MBA (University of Exeter Business School) and Esin Esat, Director of Sustainability (Bedford College)


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