Key priorities for education in Brussels Declaration

Ministers and  representatives of more than 60 countries, multilateral o...
Ministers and  representatives of more than 60 countries, multilateral organisations, civil society, teaching, youth and the private sector alongside UNESCO as the UN lead Agency for education in the 2030 Agenda gathered in Brussels early this month, to seek consensus and strengthen the collective action to achieve the SDG 4- Quality Education

These joint forces reinforced the global political commitment and course for education for the next four years through eight priority areas recorded in the Brussels Declaration:

1. Making education and training systems more equitable and inclusive “leaving no one behind”
2. Eradicating illiteracy
3. Including migrants, displaced persons and refugees in our education and training systems
4. Providing quality gender-responsive education and training
5. Strengthening education for global citizenship and for sustainable development
6. Providing open, flexible and responsive education and training systems to meet new skill needs
7. Improving teachers, educators, trainers and school leaders
8. Increasing investment in education

Iain Patton, CEO at EAUC said: "Our member universities and colleges have a leading role to play in delivering SDG 4 and “leaving no one behind”. Every department, member of staff and student need to come together in more innovative cross organisation and cross sector research, but also through knowledge partnerships to ensure education is at the heart of solving the SDG challenges.  

The SDG Accord as the university and college sector’s collective response to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) helps institutions to share the learning with each other both nationally and internationally, but also to report data and metrics on the process. Find out more about the SDG Accord here. 

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