Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability Teaching - Education for SD in Higher Education TSN

Date 18 March 2016 09:30 - 14:30
Venue 2.03 Charteris Land, Holyrood Road, University of Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ
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This Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Topic Support Network will consider the sustainability programmes and modules which exist in Scotland, and how they fit within individual disciplines or between them. As part of this discussion we will invite the presenters to discuss innovative assessments and practical projects which allow their students to explore the interdisciplinarity of sustainability.

This free event is open to anyone working in or with the tertiary education sector, but aimed specifically towards those involved with teaching sustainability in a higher education institution.

If you have any examples of sustainability courses or assessments which encourage students to look at a sustainability issue in an interdisciplinary way, or you have any other items related to ESD in HE for the agenda, please contact Rebecca.

The event will conclude with a networking lunch. A full agenda will be added to this page shortly.

Please secure your free place by registering below, and the agenda will be shared with you as soon as it is available.

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