Green Scorecard Consultation

Following the AUDE and EAUC consultation, attached to this email are the note...
Following the AUDE and EAUC consultation, attached to this email are the notes from ARUP relating to the development of the Green Scorecard which is scoped around university estates and facilities environmental aspects.  The first document is an explanation of how the scorecard can be used and the second is the tabulated form of data which can be used to populate the scorecard.

Keith Lilley (AUDE) is coordinating this consultation. He asks that all comments are received to the email noted below by Wednesday 14 October. Please use e-mail for your responses.  It is critical that EAUC Members are confident in this model so please ensure your voice is heard.

Comments received will be shared with the project team comprising Iain Patton (EAUC CEO), Keith Lilley, Sue Holmes, Andy Nolan and Andy Shepherd from ARUP and subsequently a final version will be signed off by the project team on behalf of the AUDE Executive.

AUDE seeks to provide training sessions delivered by Arup in order that colleagues can effectively implement the scorecard using predominantly existing EMR data.

Key benefits that have been identified through this process include the ability for each institution to measure its own performance over time but also to benchmark against other institutions it selects and feels are appropriate benchmarks in order to gauge comparative progress.

The tool can also be used as a means of setting goals for sustainability targets - those that both stretch and are achievable.

Post consultation the EAUC will lead on Phase two which will scope around wider non-estates sustainability aspects.
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