Green Gown Awards Launch 2010

Green Gown Awards 2010 Applications for the 2010 Green Gown Awards are n...

Green Gown Awards 2010

Applications for the 2010 Green Gown Awards are now open, with the deadline for universities and colleges to get their Stage 1 applications in by Friday 19th February.

Now in their sixth year and administered by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), the Awards recognise the exceptional initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK to become more sustainable. With sustainability moving up the global agenda, the Awards have become established as THE most prestigious recognition of sustainability excellence within the further and higher education sectors, as well as the environmental sector.

Short listed applications and details on Stage 2 of the Awards will be announced on 23rd March at the EAUC Annual Conference and winners will be announced at a fabulous Gala Banquet, to take place in London in June 2010. This is an exciting opportunity to network with the Who’s Who in university and college sustainability, linking government ministers, vice chancellors and principals, funding council executives, sector suppliers, staff and students at the cutting edge of sector sustainability.

2010 looks set to be a record year for the Awards. Last year we were delighted with an increase in applications and this year, with the introduction of two new categories, we hope to receive a further increase in the number of applications.

The categories for 2010 are:
- Carbon Reduction
- Colleges & Smaller Institutions
- Continuous Improvement – Institutional Change
- Continuous Improvement – Specific Area
- Courses
- Green ICT
- Research and Development
- Skills – NEW!
- Social Responsibility
- Student Initiatives and Campaigns
- Sustainable Construction & Refurbishment
- Sustainable Procurement – NEW!

We are delighted to announce the sponsors for this year’s key prestigious Awards are:

The Carbon Trust; College & University Business Officers (CUBO);Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE); The Higher Education Academy (HEA); Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC); Learning & Skills Council (LSC); Salix Finance; Scottish Funding Council (SFC); Sodexo; and Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA).

A series of Master Classes will be run in 2010 to give the chance to learn from some of the leading institutions and winners from 2009. The events will run in conjunction with other sector-led events and the first will take place at the EAUC Annual Conference at Bangor University 22-24 March 2010. For details on the full list of events (coming soon) please visit


For more information on the Green Gown Awards visit, or contact the Green Gown Awards Officer, Suzanne Rooke on 01242 714321 or email
About the Green Gown Awards:
The Green Gown Awards are administered by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and are governed by a cross agency steering group made up of:

Association of Colleges (AoC)
Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE)
British Universities Finance Directors Group (BUFDG)
Guild HE
The Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Higher Education Environmental Performance Improvement (HEEPI)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
NUS Services Limited (NUS)
Scottish Funding Council (SFC)
Universities UK (UUK)

For a full list of 2009 winners see the Winners Brochure at

About the EAUC:
With a membership of over 290 universities and colleges, the EAUC is the environmental and sustainability champion within Further and Higher Education in the UK.

For more information on the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges’ (EAUC) 14th Annual Conference visit, or contact the Conference Manager, Sarah Lee on 0131 474 0000 or email
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