England - North East

Welcome to the EAUC North East Regional Group

The aim of the group is to share lessons learnt and best practice so that all benefit from these experiences. It's open to all EAUC Educational members.

Convenor: Michael Harkness, Sustainability Manager (Energy & Infrastructure), Durham University

Not yet signed up? Join here!


Next meeting:  8th October 2024

27th Jan 2021 Virtual NetPositives View the event
16th June 2021 Virtual COP26 View the event
8th Sept 2021 Virtual Ethical labelling and food procurement View the event
12th Jan 2022  Virtual COP26 legacy View the event
11th May 2022 Virtual  Scope 3 and Decarbonisation plans View the event
7th Sept 2022 Virtual Plans for Freshers Week, People & Planet, Feedback from Salix LCSF and Water conservation
View the event
24th Jan 2023 Durham University Sustainability at Durham and site tour View the event
25th April 2023 Virtual Recent successes and current challenges View the event
3rd Oct 2023 NCG, Newcastle Sustainability at NCG and site tour View the event
16th January 2024 Virtual Institutions and EAUC updates View the event
13th June 2024 Gateshead College Green Gateshead View the event
8th October 2024 Virtual   View the event

How to search for previous discussions

Many topics come up regularly on the discussion networks, so here is a straightforward guide on how to search for previous discussions:

1. Go to https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/ then click ‘Subscribers Corner’
2. Click on the discussion network you would like to search – ‘EAUC-NERegion’ is the list for this Discussion Network
3. The three ‘Latest messages’ are shown in a box near the top of the page -click the message to read the entire post.
4. To search the list for a particular topic use the 'Search Archive' box on the right-hand side of the screen. Type the keyword/s you want to find out about.
5. You can further refine your search by adding parameters.

Climate Ambassadors is led by EAUC and the University of Reading in partnership with STEM Learning and nine regional EAUC-member university and research institution partners with funding from Department for Education.  The goal is to support all nurseries, schools and colleges in England to implement climate action plans by 2025.

The Climate Ambassadors scheme mobilises and supports educational settings in England to act on climate change with the help of trained and supported volunteers.  Supported by free training and resources, Climate Ambassadors provide settings with free, tailored guidance to progress their  climate action plans across biodiversity, adaptation and resilience, decarbonisation, green careers and climate education.

Elle Young, Newcastle University


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