Carbon Report 2023

Our carbon footprint has increased by 63% and is 143 tonnes of CO2 for the 2023 period.

The increase is mostly due to increases on our home-based emissions calculations and increasing the months of heating to 6 months of the year. We have also increased communication services, domestic travel, activities of our organisation as well as an increase in our staff.

As a home-based organisation, we use Sustainable Scotland Network Reporting Guidance to calculate our staff’s electricity and heating usage based on hours worked from home. We also included water usage applying 2023 Defra conversion factors. We recognise that water is still being used at people’s homes.

Our staff full time equivalent (FTE) increased from 11.18 to 12.03. The average carbon emissions per FTE staff member is 11,913 kgCO2 which is 51% more than in 2022.

It is our aim to minimise our carbon footprint as much as possible, however as it happens with any other organisation, we still have a residual carbon footprint. We offset, using the Carbon Coalition, 143 tonnes of CO2 for our 2023 carbon

Our scopes

Scope 1: We are a home-based organisation so we do not have any direct scope 1 emissions

Scope 2: We calculate our staff heating, electricity and lighting use based on home-working calculations

Scope 3: We calculate our travel (staff and board), our water use (based on home-working calculations) and our supply chain emissions (based on the HESCET method)
Carbon Summary Staff (FTE) Total carbon emissions (kgCO2) Carbon emissions per FTE (kgCO2/FTE) Income per annum £ Carbon emissions per unit of income (kgCO2/£)
2023 12.03 143,373 11,913 925,469 0.15
2022 11.18 88,010 7,869 837,426 0.11
% increase/
8% 63% 51% 11% 47%
Breakdown of our carbon KgCO2 %
Scope 2 38,847 27%
Scope 3 104,526 73%
Travel 2,409 2%
Supply Chain 102,100 98%
Water 17 0.02%
Total 143,373 100%
Delivered by EAUC