Carbon Report 2022

It is our aim to minimise our carbon footprint as much as possible, however as it happens with any other organisation, we still have a carbon footprint. We used to offset this using Climate Care. This year we used Carbon Green Limited. We offset 88 tonnes of CO2 for the 2022 impact report (88,010kgCO2).

2022 Results

Our carbon footprint has increased by 2414% and now sits at 88 tonnes for the 2022 period. The main rise in our carbon footprint is due to adding Scope 3 Supply Chain reporting into our calculation which accounts for over 88% of the total carbon emissions for the year. More about why we chose to take this step can be found here.

Along with our supply chain we also include water (0.18 tonnes) and business travel (1.4 tonnes) so our overall Scope 3 emissions are 79 tonnes. Our Scope 2 emissions (purchased electricity, heating and lighting) is 8.9 tonnes. We do not have any Scope 1 emissions and no other areas of Scope 3.

We used Sustainable Scotland Network Reporting Guidance to calculate last year’s staff’s electricity and heating usage based on hours worked from home during 2022.

Our staff full time equivalent (FTE) increased from 9.71 to 11.18
Average carbon emissions per FTE staff member is 7869kgCO2 which is 2083% more than in 2021

We used last year’s data for water usage applying 2022 Defra factors. We recognise that water and  is still being used just at people’s homes. With this more granular calculation our Scope 2 emissions have increased by 207%.

Our staff full time equivalent (FTE) increased from 9.71 to 11.18. Our average carbon emissions per FTE is 7.869 tonnes.
Carbon Summary Staff (FTE) Total carbon emissions (kgCO2) Carbon emissions per FTE (kgCO2/FTE) Income per annum £ Carbon emissions per unit of income (kgCO2/£)
2021 9.71 3,500 360 473,663 0.01
2022 11.18 88,010 7,869 837,426 0.11
% increase/
15.17% 2,414% 2,083% 76.80% 1,322%
Breakdown of our carbon KgCO2 %
Scope 2 8,948 10%
Scope 3 79,062 90%
Travel 1,445 1.8%
Supply Chain 77,600 98.2%
Water 18 0.02%
Total 88,010 100%
Delivered by EAUC