£400,000 cash boost for Welsh public places

Concert venues, sports centres, colleges and shopping centres are among th...
Concert venues, sports centres, colleges and shopping centres are among the organisations set to benefit from £432,000 of Welsh Government funding unveiled by WRAP Cymru. They – along with event organisers, tourist attractions and a wide range of other public sites and buildings – can bid for grants of up to £50,000 to introduce recycling facilities for their visitors.
Householders in Wales recycle a higher proportion of their rubbish than people living elsewhere in the UK; in 2011 – 2012 48% of what we threw away at home went into our recycle bins or food waste caddies. But if we are to reach the Welsh Government’s target of recycling 70% of all waste by 2025 we need to do a lot more – including recycling when we’re out and about. 
This fund will help organisations help their visitors to keep up the good work. Providing better facilities for their customers could also help attract more people and give businesses a boost. 
Public, private and third sector organisations can bid for grants, though the money must be used to provide facilities in a public area, for example a stadium, station or university campus. Organisers of events such as festivals and shows are also encouraged to apply.
Welsh Government Environment Minister John Griffiths said:
"The development of infrastructure to capture more recyclate in Wales is crucial if we are to continue to progress towards our ambitious targets set out in the Welsh Government's waste strategy, Towards Zero Waste. 
"The Recycle on the Go facilities offer people an easy way to recycle while they're out and about. These new facilities will not only help tidy up our local environment, they will also capture high value materials for recycling which will go some way towards creating green jobs and supporting the Welsh economy." 
As well as funding, businesses can apply for specialist advice to help them decide on the recycling facilities which best meet their needs. They’ll also get the chance to share their experience and expertise with other organisations across Wales as best practice case studies arranged and paid for by WRAP Cymru. 
In addition, WRAP Cymru is making its latest guidance and communications materials available for free download at www.wrapcymru.org.uk/rotgwales
The guidance includes a wide range of information, from how to choose the right recycling bins and decide where to put them to relevant environmental legislation and Welsh Government policy. There are also bilingual posters, adverts and bin signage which organisations can amend to include their own logos. 
WRAP Cymru Project Manager Ruth Llewellyn said:
“Wales leads the way when it comes to recycling at home but why should we stop when we walk out of the door?  People expect to be able to recycle their rubbish when they’re out and about, and businesses must be able to meet their needs. 

“Introducing a recycling service for visitors is already easier – and cheaper – than most businesses think. And with grants of up to £50,000 and guidance to help them every step of the way it’s about to get easier still.
To find out more visit www.wrapcymru.org.uk/rotgwales, call Ruth on 029 2044 8090 or email ruth.llewellyn@wrap.org.uk
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