Education for Sustainable Development TSN: Sustainability competencies, skills, graduate attributes

Date 2 May 2024 13:00 - 14:45
Venue Virtual via Zoom
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Join us at our Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network Meeting this May 2024!

Hear from universities and colleges about how they integrate the development of sustainability competencies, skills, and graduate attributes into their practice:

- Dr D. Theresa Nicholson from Manchester Metropolitan University: Adopting the CoDesignS ESD framework for integrating sustainability competencies – tools and lessons from a Bootcamp experience
- Dr Rehema White from University of St Andrews: Beyond the UN competencies for a more nuanced human nature relationship
- Valerie Jackman from CDN/West Lothian College: Designing a integrative module around the Inner Development Goals

As usual, our TSN will also feature as opportunities for participants to engage and network to share further stories.

Sign up now - as always, free for EAUC members. Supported by Learning for Sustainability Scotland.

Questions or issues with signing up? Get in touch with

  • 1pm: Introductions
  • 1.15pm: Dr Theresa Nicholson, Manchester Metropolitan University: Adopting the CoDesignS ESD framework for integrating sustainability competencies – tools and lessons from a Bootcamp experience
  • 1.30pm: Dr Rehema White, University of St Andrews: Beyond the UN competencies for a more nuanced human nature relationship
  • 1.45pm: Valerie Jackman from CDN/West Lothian College: Designing a integrative module around the Inner Development Goals
  • 2pm Q&A and break
  • 2.10pm: Networking and discussion
  • 2.40pm: Close - upcoming support for ESD practitioners and conclusions
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