Costing out your Net-Zero Plans

Date 6 September 2022 15:00 - 16:30
Venue Online
Download Calendar Event

This is a joint event and open to members of AUDE, BUFDG, and EAUC - please click on the appropriate ticket when booking your place - please choose one ticket only.

AUDE, BUFDG and EAUC are working in partnership with Energise and the Department for Education to develop a roadmap for actions and cost/benefits for mitigation of carbon emissions. This work will be an enhancement to the Standardised Carbon Emissions Reporting Framework that EAUC and sector bodies are working on behalf of the Department for Education.

Whilst institutions are developing their carbon targets and plans to reach net-zero there is very little guidance on how much carbon mitigation and reduction activities will actually cost. This important work will provide universities and colleges with the information they need to be able to choose which actions to take and an estimate on the cost and benefits to enable a costings plan to turn your net-zero plans into reality.

This webinar will provide you with an overview of the project and we will hear from universities, including the University of Manchester, who will be sharing how they have costed their carbon plans. There will be a Q&A session for you to provide insights and raise areas that need to be considered as we co-create this element of the Framework.

This event is open to AUDE, BUFDG & EAUC members to attend.

EAUC members can book by clicking here.

Delivered by EAUC