Carbon Literacy Training - May FULL
5 May 2021 09:30
- 12 May 2021 13:00
Download Calendar Event
THIS SESSION IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. Please refer to our events page for more dates.
Session 1: 5th May - 09.30 - 13.00
Session 2: 12th May - 09.30 - 13.00
Our online Carbon Literacy course takes place over 2, half day sessions a week apart, and is a great way to ensure your staff have the knowledge and skills to get involved in your organisation's low carbon journey. This course, designed by the University of Manchester, is tailored to the university and college audience to make it relevant, and to support learners to identify practical steps they can take.
Reducing emissions relies on every single person in an organisation being aware of the carbon impacts of their choices, and feeling motivated and supported to take action.
By the end of the course you will:
- Understand the basics of climate change science and how we know its a problem
- Have explored how climate change is impacting us all now and how it will in the future
- Be able to identify ways that you and your organisation can take action to reduce emissions, benefiting from this in the process
This course has been accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and attendees can submit evidence to become certified as Carbon Literate.
At the end of the course delegates will be asked to submit evidence of learning and actions from the course. This will be submitted to the Carbon Literacy Project for evaluation, for a Carbon Literacy certificate to be issued.