Higher Education Climate Action Toolkit Workshop with Climate Commission Council

Date 28 October 2020 13:00 - 14:30
Venue Virtual
Download Calendar Event

Since November 2019, the Climate Commission for Higher and Further Education has been working to coordinate climate action in the sector. 

In July, we launched, in partnership with Nous Group, the Climate Action Roadmap for UK Colleges. Now, the Commission is launching an HE Climate Action Toolkit.

The HE Climate Action Toolkit is a resource identifying and explaining actions universities can take to advance sustainability at their institution; it also signposts corresponding resources. The toolkit can be used at all levels of an HE institution. 

This workshop is co-chaired by Trevor McMillan, Vice Chancellor at Keele University and Dr David Llewellyn, Vice Chancellor at Harper Adams University. Trevor, David and Stephen Marston, Vice Chancellor at University of Gloucestershire will be facilitating the breakouts.

The purpose of this event is to seek input from the Climate Commission council on the HE Climate Action toolkit. Specifically:

  • Test the toolkit with council members and identify improvements
  • Identify barriers to using the toolkit
  • Discuss how we can share the toolkit with the sector 

A draft of the Toolkit and finalised workshop agenda will be shared with attendees by October 21st, in preparation for the event. 

Please contact Fiona Goodwin at fgoodwin@eauc.org.uk for any questions. 

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