North West England Regional Meeting

Date 27 February 2018 09:30 - 12:30
Venue Ken Kitchen Committee, John Owens Building, University of Manchester
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Numbers are limited so please contact regarding spaces.

Waste, staff and student engagement and the SDGs
  • 9.00am  Pre-meeting refreshments
  • 9.30am  Welcome to the NW EAUC meeting and minutes of last meeting – any feedback
  • 9.40am  EAUC update
  • 9.45am  Waste and recycling campaigns at the University of Manchester presentation
  • 10.00am  Waste and recycling discussion
    • disposable cups
    • disposable food packaging
    • drinking straw ban
    • plastics on campus
  • 10.40am  SDG progress update – NUS 
  • 11.00am  Break
  • 11:15am  SDG discussion
  • 11.40am  Staff and student engagement at  the University of Manchester presentation
  • 11:55am  Staff and student engagement discussion
  • 12.20pm  EAUC NW benchmarking survey - discussion
  • 12.25pm  AOB
  • 12.30pm  Lunch and close of meeting
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