Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network

Date 30 August 2017 09:45 - 12:45
Venue University of Strathclyde, SBS Stenhouse, Room SW108 (173 Cathederal Street, Glasgow, G4 0RQ)
Download Calendar Event

Our Autumn Sustainable Procurement TSN will be hosted in Glasgow on Wednesday 30th August.

The agenda is available to download from this page. Agenda items include; Sustainable Procurement Leaders Group Update, HEPA National Working Group Update, Sustainability Benefits Tracker – BT14 guidance, Public Bodies Reporting Procurement Section – Feedback and Performance Improvement, Case Study: Embedding equality into recruitment contracts and Zero Waste Scotland: Circular Economy and Mentoring Opportunity.

If there are any comments or suggestions on issues you wish to discuss on the day, or any help with booking, please contact us.

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