South Central England Regional Meeting

Date 5 October 2017 10:00 - 14:00
Venue National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH
Download Calendar Event

1000 – Welcome and Introductions

1015 – Site Updates
One positive and one constructive observation each

1045 – Legal update
Neil Smith (Bournemouth University) and Candice Snelling (NOC)

1100 – Skills Matrix
Practical exercise to determine the strengths within the group
1200 – NOC Brief
An overview of what NOC does and key environmental initiatives by Lewis Rennison from NOC
1230 - Date of Next Meeting and Close
1300 – 1 hour site tour for those that want it
Travel information for the site can be found here:

The Centre is well linked via public transport however if individuals do intend to drive visitor parking must be booked by 28th September, 2pm. Names and vehicle registrations are to be sent to or Candice Snelling at NOC.
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