Sustainable Construction and ESD in FE Topic Support Networks - South Lanarkshire College

Date 10 December 2015 14:00 - 16:30
Venue South Lanarkshire College, College Way, East Kilbride, G75 0NE
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Join us at South Lanarkshire College for a tour by Angus Allan, Depute Principal at SLC, of their Low Carbon House, their new BREEAM Outstanding building, and the teaching facilities used to develop sustainable construction skills in their students.

This joint TSN for the Education for Sustainable Development in Further Education and Sustainable Construction Topic Support Networks is open to all working in or with the Scottish further and higher education sector. The event will allow plenty of time for attendees to raise discussions on other issues facing their network.

This is a free event.

Please see the attached Agenda for more details, and contact Rebecca Petford with any queries.

A limited number of spaces are available on a minibus leaving East Kilbride station following arrival of the 13.50 train from Glasgow. If you wish to use this bus please email to reserve a seat. The minibus will return the same delegates to the station after the event.

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