Travel & Transport TSN and ACT TravelWise Meeting - Travel Plans and Cycling

Date 14 October 2015 10:00 - 13:00
Venue Dalhousie Building 1F01, Old Hawkhill, Dundee University, DD1 5EN
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The Travel and Transport Topic Support Network would like to invite anyone working within travel and transport in Universities or Colleges, or working with those within this sector, to our free bi-annual meeting in collaboration with ACT TravelWise at the University of Dundee.

We will be hearing from Cycle Solutions about their Cycle to Work Scheme, Cycling Scotland about their new Cycle Friendly Campus Award, and from JMP Travel Plan Consultants, as well as discussing community partnership assistance for developing travel plans. Find the full agenda attached below.

Minutes from the previous meeting are available here.

Please sign up to this event through the booking system below, so we know how many people to cater for.

If you have any questions please contact Rebecca on


Find the minutes and resources from this event here.
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