Finding Strength - Inspiration in Challenging Times

Date 9 July 2015 18:00 - 12 July 2015 15:00
Venue Green and Away, Worcestershire
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Refreshing your connection to life…

This workshop will reconnect you to yourself, each other and the Earth; to the joys and pains of life in this time; to your personal and collective responsibilities; to your ancestors and future generations; and most of all to your power to make a difference and heal our world. Through opening up and discovering these connections you will start to engage with shared wisdom, internal skills and resources and feel your potential for transformation.

Given guided time in nature, ceremony, learning and reflection, you will find or rekindle your passion, purpose and personal response to the challenges of our time.

The workshop will be held by Kirsti Norris, Will Tooby and Looby Macnamara, all experienced facilitators, and all very excited about spending three transformational days with you.

Three unique days at ‘Green and Away’, an incredible outdoor eco centre in Worcestershire with delicious food and delightful surroundings.

Organisation £410   -   Waged £310   -   Low-waged £250
Concessions £170 (5 places available)

10% discount for EAUC Members

Includes meals, refreshments and camping space.
Tent and bell tent hire available.

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