Topic Support Network: Community Engagement

Date 28 November 2014 12:00 - 16:30
Venue Reid Building, Glasgow School of Art
Download Calendar Event

Achieving long-term changes in local communities and the behaviours of individuals is a key dependency for sustainable development. Although sustainability is a high priority on the Scottish Governments’ agenda, it is becoming increasingly apparent that they cannot succeed alone in creating social change. The next progressive step in addressing the issue requires people across the UK to engage with sustainability and take action themselves.

Universities and colleges have a prime opportunity to engage in this area due to the thousands of students that pass through their doors each year. Engaging in behaviour change in your institution can you save cost and carbon!

This TSN will involve a workshop by June Graham from Keep Scotland Beautiful on the ISM (Individual, Social, Material) behaviour change model and how it can be used within tertiary education institutions. See the Scottish Goverment Website and our website for more information on the tool.

For the workshop it would be useful to know what issues or behaviours you would like to consider, and what existing policies, evidence of practice, surveys, statistics etc. you already have. Please send any thoughts or documents to as soon as possible, so the workshop can be tailored to meet your needs.

In addition, there will be time to discuss current issues, events and developments in the sector around community engagement. If you would like to suggest an item for the agenda please email

LiFE Frameworks: Community and Public Engagement / Student Engagement / Staff Engagement and Human Resources
EAUC Competency Level: All (what does this mean?)

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