Liberating the Curriculum

Date 1 June 2012 10:00 - 16:00
Venue Scotland's Colleges, Stirling
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This event is open to all with an interest in tertiary education in Scotland, students, academic staff and specialists in the field of sustainable development education. It is hoped that drawing an audience from across the sector as a whole will open a dialogue between stakeholders and lead to significant cross-fertilization and the emergence of new ideas and practical projects.


The Aim of the conference is to bring together students and staff from colleges and universities across Scotland to share ideas about sustainability and Global Citizenship and discuss how these might be embedded into the curriculum. The event will include workshops and presentations from students and practitioners already engaged in ‘greening’ learning and teaching in their institutions as well experts in the field of sustainable development education. The plenary session will provide opportunities to share ideas and plan ahead.

Book Your Place
This is a free event, booking your place can be done through the Scotland's Colleges website. Please follow this link.

Supporting the EAUC Topic Support Network Series.
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