Sustainable Development and the Curriculum Workshop - Free Event

Date 2 February 2010
Venue London Pizza Express, 125 Alban Gate, EC2Y 5AS
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As sustainable development will be included in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2009, this event provides a great opportunity to ensure your staff have the necessary information and knowledge to be ready to take on this new challenge and become sustainable development champions for your college/local authority.

This workshop will support delegates understand sustainable development in a curriculum context and support the integration of sustainable development principles into the curriculum. The team delivering this programme has a wealth of experience and look forward to sharing this with you.

The workshops are free to attend (funded by the Learning and skills council) and lunch is included. Places are very limited so book early to avoid disappointment!

Objectives of the workshop:

  • To develop a detailed understanding of sustainable development and the curriculum.
  • Introduce the curriculum guides and approaches to integrating sustainable development into the curriculum.
  • Introduce case studies and approaches on environmentally sustainable development.
  • Help learning providers articulate what they are doing on embedding sustainable development into the curriculum.

Workshop Dates

January 2010
18th January – Manchester
19th January – Bristol
20th January - London

February 2010
2nd February – London
3rd February – Stourbridge (near Birmingham)
4th February – York

Who should attend?

Principals, Vice Principals, Curriculum Leaders, Sustainable Development Champions, staff interested in understanding Education for Sustainable Development


09.30 Coffee on arrival

10.00 Introductions and Agenda

10.15 What is Sustainable Development?
Jimmy Brannigan, ESD Consulting Ltd

10.45 Case Study - Creating the conditions for embedding sustainability into the curriculum.
Roy Morgan-Wood, Leicester College

11.10 Case Study - Approaches to Embedding Sustainable Development in the curriculum
Esin Esat, Bedford College

11.40 Case Study - Approaches to Embedding Sustainable Development in the curriculum
Lesley Harry, Formerly Head of Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service

12.15 Lunch

13.15 Introduction to the guides
Jimmy Brannigan, ESD Consulting Ltd

13.45 Exercise - Embedding SD into the curriculum
Lesley Harry, Formerly Head of Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service
Esin Esat, Bedford College

15.30 How does this fit with the inspection framework?
Presentation and Panel discussion

16.00 Close


This is a free event – but please book early as places are limited.

Registration instructions can be

Directions to the venue can be found

For venue and travel information contact:
Debbie Sanaoui

For information on programme content contact:
Jimmy Brannigan


Delivered by EAUC