Education for Sustainable Development in Scotland’s colleges and universities: halfway there?

Date 26 November 2009
Venue Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2LR
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Free Event, limited places available

We are now halfway through the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The Decade aims to promote education as a basis for a more sustainable society and to integrate sustainable development into education at all levels and all areas of life.

The Scottish Parliament passed the Climate Change Act in June. This will require wide-ranging and significant responses from further and higher education if we are to meet the Government’s targets for a low carbon future.
This conference will consider the contribution that Scotland’s colleges and universities are making to the targets in the Climate Change Act and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, through activities such as
  • formal programmes of study
  • sustainable estates and buildings
  • student activities, including working with local communities
  • linking academic and extra-curricular activities

The conference will:
  • present and reflect upon recent sector reports on ESD in Scotland
  • provide a forum in which new ideas and practices can be discussed
  • offer students, colleges and universities and national agencies an opportunity to consider possibilities for future work and collaboration

The conference will be of interest to:
  • college and university staff involved in sustainable development
  • student associations
  • volunteering and community organisations
  • national organisations with an interest in sustainable development

Please register by completing the registration form below.
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