Get Sorted on Sustainability
20 November 2009
Bishops Hull House, Bishops Hull, Taunton
Download Calendar Event
An Energy & Carbon Management CPD Event
for South West Buildings & Estates Managers
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
In March 2010 the Department for Business, Innovation &
Skills will publish its Carbon Reduction Delivery Plan, which
will include ambitions for the college sector in England.
In support of this forthcoming Delivery Plan, the aim of this
one-day training course is to provide participants with a
sound understanding of the requirements of the Energy
Performance of Buildings Regulations which came into
force in 2007. Aspects of these regulations which relate
directly to the college sector include the introduction of
Display Energy Certificates, inspections of air-conditioning
systems and disclosures of information. Participants will
gain a sound understanding of the requirements for legal
compliance of these regulations as well as examples from
the college sector and soundbites from Government
regarding future direction of this legislation.
An essential part of reducing energy consumption and
carbon in buildings is gaining baseline and ongoing
monitoring data in order to ascertain areas of significant
energy usage and wastage. The second half of the day will
therefore introduce participants to carbon footprinting and
provide practical advice for carrying out a carbon footprint
Aims & Objectives of the Day
- Introduce the EAUC’s renewed Sustainability Online
- Provide an overview of the EU Energy Performance of
- Explore the key requirements relating to Display Energy
- Introduce the concept of carbon footprinting
- Identify how carbon footprinting is relevant to the further
- Explore the challenges associated with carbon related
- Provide a carbon footprint assessment methodology
Delegate Fees
Learning South West Members- £125.00 per person
- £180.00 per person
will be limited so a prompt response is advised.