Climate Change Reporting Workshop for Scottish Tertiary Education Institutions

Date 7 October 2015 09:30 - 12:30
Venue Abertay University, Dundee
Download Calendar Event

This free EAUC/SSN Workshop is designed for tertiary education institutions completing their Public Sector Climate Change Duties Report. The event will cover part 3 of the reporting template (Corporate Emissions, Targets and Project Data).

This half-day session will take delegates through this section question by question, and cover some of the tools available to assist with populating the template.

It will also be an opportunity to ask questions to the SSN reporting team on other areas of the template and to obtain further one-to-one support.

Please make sure to download the template from the SSN website and start to fill in your data before the workshop, so you can make the most of this opportunity to have your questions answered. The template and guidance notes can be downloaded here.


Find the slides from this event, and a podcast of the webinar session which covered the same topics, on our Sustainability Exchange here.

Please contact Rebecca on with any questions.
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