CaSPr Useful Organisations

The Association of Scottish Colleges (ASC)

The ASC is funded by an annual subscription from its members. The Association has a Board of Directors, made up of six Principals of Colleges and six Chairpersons of College Boards of Management. The Association of Scotland's Colleges is the policy and representative voice for Scotland's colleges. It fulfils this role by informing and advising government, the Scottish Parliament and key audiences about the work of further education, developing sector policy and strategy, and providing information and advice to colleges on a range of issues. ASC helps develop a sense of collective purpose for colleges by bringing colleges together to discuss issues affecting the sector.
Address: Argyll Court, Castle Business Park, Stirling, EFK9 4TY
Tel: +44 (0)1786 892100

Building Research Establishment (BRE)

BRE Scotland provides consultancy, research and testing services related to a range of important issues in the built environment and associated industries such as: sustainable buildings, whole life costing assessments, recycle/reuse and minimise waste, flood risk management consultancy, environmental profiling and consultancy on products and materials. BRE is held as a national asset on behalf of the construction industry and its clients, independent of specific commercial interests; this protects BRE's impartiality and objectivity in research and advice.
Address: Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0RZ
Tel: +44 (0)1355 576200

The Campus Consortium for Environmental Excellence (C2E2)

C2E2 is a North American based organisation that support the continued improvement of environmental performance in higher education through environmental professional networking, information exchange, the development of professional resources and tools, and the advancement of innovative regulatory models. The scope of environmental performance includes campus regulatory compliance, environmental management, and sustainability initiatives.
Address: N/a
Tel: +1 617-951-1181

The Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust is an independent company funded by Government with a role is to help the UK move to a low carbon economy by helping business and the public sector reduce carbon emissions now and capture the commercial opportunities of low carbon technologies. The Carbon Trust provides free, practical help and advice for your organisation to save money by reducing energy use.
Address: The Technology Centre, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, G75 0QF
Tel: +44 (0)1355 581810

Eco-Schools Scotland

The Eco-Schools programme is an international initiative designed to encourage whole-school action for the environment. The programme’s aim is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of the school for both pupils and for staff and to engage the wider community. It is a recognised award scheme that accredits schools who make a commitment to continuously improve their environmental performance. It is also a learning resource that raises awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues throughout activities linked to curricular subjects and areas.
Address: c/o Keep Scotland Beautiful, Islay House, Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG
Tel: +44 (0)1786 468234 / +44 (0)1786 468233 Direct dial


Envirowise is represented locally in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and throughout the English regions, working closely with other business support organisations and resource efficiency initiatives. Envirowise delivers a government-funded programme offering free, confidential advice to UK businesses including water and waste minimisation, environmental legislation, cleaner design, packaging and environmental management systems. This assistance enables companies to increase profitability, minimise waste and reduce environmental impact.
Address: Glengarnock Technology Centre, Caledonian Road, Lochshore Business Park, Glengarnock, Ayrshire, KA14 3DD
Tel: +44 (0) 800 585794

Forward Scotland

Forward Scotland supports action for sustainable development through practical projects, research, and the distribution of grant funding. Forward Scotland aims to change the way people think and act through the lessons learned from practical projects, inspiring a culture where the benefits of sustainable development are understood, valued and achieved.
Address: The Lodge, Earlsgate House, St Ninians Road, Stirling, FK8 2HE
Tel: +44 (0) 560 0010 560 or 0870 4711 666

Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)

IEMA is a not-for-profit organisation established to promote best practice standards in environmental management, auditing and assessment. The IEMA is now a leading international membership-based organisation dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development, and to the professional development of individuals involved in the environmental profession, whether they are in the public, private or non-governmental sectors.
Address: St Nicholas House, 70 Newport, Lincoln, LN1 3DP
Tel: +44 (0)1522 540 069

The John Muir Award

The John Muir Award is an environmental Award scheme focused on wild places. It encourages the discovery and conservation of wild places. The Award is non-competitive, open to all and is the educational initiative of the John Muir Trust. There are three Levels of the John Muir Award, encouraging a progressive involvement. All levels of the Award are based on meeting the same four challenges of: Discover, Explore, Conserve and Share.
Address: 41 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6ET
Tel: +44 (0)845 458 2910


Changeworks (formerly LEEP) exists to improve quality of life and to protect the environment. The Waste Prevention and Recycling Services aims to prevent waste from going to landfill by reducing, reusing and recycling in order to safeguard natural resources and to reduce carbon emissions. Changeworks is actively involved in Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration.
Address: Changeworks, 36 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5PY
Tel: +44 (0)131 555 4010

People and Planet

People and Planet is the largest student network in Britain campaigning to alleviate world poverty, defend human rights, and protect the environment. The People and Planet network consists of University and College Groups, Sixth Form Groups and Individual Campaigners Support Office.
Address: 51 Union Street, Oxford, OX4 1JP
Tel: +44 (0)1865 245678

Remade Scotland

REMADE Scotland is a major initiative which seeks to stimulate, develop and strengthen recyclate material markets in Scotland by supporting an emerging recycling collection and reprocessing infrastructure in Scotland and encouraging a more sustainable waste management approach.
Address: Caledonian Environment Centre, Glasgow Caledonian University, 5th Floor Buchannan House, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 OBA
Tel: +44 (0)141 273 1416

Scottish Association for University Directors of Estates (SAUDE)

Forming part of the Association for University Directors of Estates, SAUDE's members are generally represented by the most senior member of staff responsible for managing, planning, constructing and maintaining all types of accommodation for Higher Education Institutions. Though arrangements vary, most Directors of Estates are also involved in managing a wider range of services including cleaning, security, grounds maintenance, space planning and management, car parking and traffic and, in some institutions, additional services such as catering, conference and sports facilities, insurance, furniture and equipment and printing.
AUDE's primary objective is to promote excellence in the strategic planning, management,
operation and development of University Estates and Facilities.

Scottish Executive Biodiversity Policy Team

The Biodiversity Policy team are responsible for policies to conserve Scotland's biodiversity as set out in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy, and on Scotland's contribution to the UK's national and international commitments. The Biodiversity Implementation Team work on behalf of the Scottish Biodiversity Forum to coordinate and facilitate the delivery of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Implementation Plans. They also administer the Biodiversity Action Grants Scheme as of 2006 onwards.
Address: Room GH-93, SEERAD, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 SQQ
Tel: +44 (0)131 244 6540

The Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD)

SEERAD is a Civil Service department of the Scottish Executive. SEERAD is responsible for agriculture, rural development, food, the environment and fisheries in Scotland. The Waste and Pollution Reduction Division of SEERAD advises ministers on waste management, litter, fly tipping and radioactive waste, along with the prevention and control of emissions from industry. This division sponsors the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in the delivery of environmental regulations and other policies such as the National Waste Strategy.
Address: Environment and Rural Affairs Department Secretariat, The Scottish Executive, Room 440, Pentland House, EDINBURGH, EH14 1TY
tel: 08457 741741

Scottish Executive Enterprise, Transport and Life-long Learning Department (SEETLLD)

The SEETLLD’s task is to work with Ministers to grow the Scottish economy and increase prosperity for all the people of Scotland, by supporting business, encouraging enterprise, improving skills and employability and developing an efficient and effective transport and communications infrastructure. SEETLLD supports Ministers in the delivery of a range of objectives for economic growth, industrial development, further and higher education, skills, lifelong learning, energy, transport and digital connectivity. The Scottish Executive aims to promote economic growth, social inclusion and sustainable development through a safe, integrated and efficient transport network. Sustainable transport has huge potential to make a positive contribution to a broad range of policy aims. In the traditional transport arena alone, it can help cut congestion and help reduce casualty levels. It also has an important role in tackling problems in the fields of health, the environment and education.
Address: Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning Department Secretariat
The Scottish Executive, 6th Floor, Meridian Court, Cadogan Street, GLASGOW, G2 6AT
Tel: +44 (0)141-248 4774
Address: Transport Strategy and Policy Team, Scottish Executive, 2-D Dockside, Edinburgh, EH66QQ
Tel: +44 (0)131 556 8400 or +44 (0)18457 741741

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

SEPA are Scotland’s environmental regulator and adviser, responsible to the Scottish Parliament through Ministers. As well as their role in controlling pollution, SEPA work with others to protect and improve our environment.
Address: Erskine Court, The Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TR
Tel: +44 (0)1786 457700

Scottish Funding Council (SFC)

Established in 2005, the Council provides a strategic overview of tertiary education in Scotland to help secure a more coherent system of high-quality learning, teaching and research. The Council distributes about £1.5 billion in funding each year for teaching and learning, research and other activities in Scotland's colleges and universities.
Address: Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD
Tel: +44 (0)131 313 6500

Scottish Industrial Symbiosis Programme (SISP)

The idea of industrial symbiosis is that local companies co-operate to achieve greater resource efficiency by reducing resource input costs and waste management costs, and identifying new products. For example, waste materials or surplus heat and power from one company can be an input to the manufacturing process of another. This is to support and enable resource efficiency and productivity in industry. The programme helps to identify opportunities for the waste products of one business to be used by another to create a new product, diverting material from landfill.
Address: c/o Thirdwave Ltd, 8/1 Maritime Street, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6SB
Tel: +44 (0)131 625 1468

Scottish Waste Awareness Group (SWAG)

SWAG was set up in 2000 with the remit of changing public attitudes and behaviour towards domestic waste. One of SWAG’s key aims is to deliver the national campaign, Waste Aware Scotland. This campaign aims to raise awareness of, and change public attitudes and behaviour towards Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The campaign is delivered at a local level through a range of campaigning activities and in parallel with the implementation phase of the National Waste Plan for Scotland. The National Waste Plan sets targets for waste reduction and recycling, initially focusing on Municipal Solid Waste.
Address: c/o Keep Scotland Beautiful, Islay House, Livilands Lane, Stirling, FK8 2BG
Tel: +44 (0)1786 468 248

Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU)

SFEU is the key development agency for Scotland's colleges. SFEU contributes to the work of a wide range of national committees and delivers a range of high quality services which promote and support changes in Scotland's colleges leading to excellence in learning effectiveness and in college development. It achieves this through working in close partnership with colleges and maintaining a high level of understanding of the developmental issues facing Scotland's colleges. In addition to work supported by core funding, SFEU undertake a number of project-based activities in curriculum and staff development designed to maintain the position of Scotland's colleges at the forefront of lifelong learning.
Address: Argyll Court, The Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TY
Tel: +44 (0)1786 892000


The SUST. initiative was developed by The Lighthouse in collaboration with the Architecture Policy Unit at the Scottish Executive in 2002 in order to raise public awareness of sustainable design and the contribution it can make in delivering a sustainable future, and improve an understanding of sustainable design for those commissioning new buildings.
Address: 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU
Tel: +44 (0)141 221 6362

Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP)

WRAP is a not for profit company created in 2000 as part of the Government's waste strategies across the United Kingdom. WRAP works in partnership, helping businesses and the general public to reduce waste, to use more recycled material, and recycle more things more often. This helps to minimise landfills, reduce carbon emissions and improve our environment.
Address: 1-J Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ
The Old Academy, 21 Horse Fair, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 0AH
Tel: Helpline +44 (0)808 100 2040 Switchboard +44 (0)1295 819 900
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