2009 Green Gown Awards

Awarding Sustainability Excellence

The winners of the 2009 Green Gown Awards have been announced!

Green Gown Awards 2009

The winners of the 2009 Green Gown Awards were announced at a fabulous gala banquet on Tuesday 23 June 2009 at Imperial College London. The event was well attended with Kate Humble – Wildlife presenter as host, with VIP guests and award presenters including David Lammy MP – Minister for Higher Education and Intellectual Property, Baroness Warwick, Chief Executive of Universities UK, Martin Doel, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges and many more!

There were 12 winners and 16 highly commended institutions, from across the UK that were all recognized for their excellent initiatives promoting sustainability within the FE and HE sector. Click on this link for a list of all the winners!

The evening commenced with welcome drinks in the beautiful Queen’s Lawn Marquee with an uplifting welcome speech from the Rector of Imperial College London. Guests were invited to sit down to a 3 course meal before the 2009 Awards started with Kate Humble at the helm.

Institutions were recognized in 12 categories with Award presenters handing over the much converted prize. The Awards were beautifully designed and hand crafted from old car windows – keeping the sustainability theme throughout. Huge congratulations to all the winners and highly commended!

Earlier on in the day the Best of 2008 Green Gown Awards Master Class took place with previous winning institutions presenting on 4 key themes – Campus, Curriculum, Community and Leadership.

If you want to be part of the Green Gown Awards next year and get the exciting initiatives you have been working on recognized, then keep an eye on the website and the 2010 Green Gown Awards will be launched in January!

Please click here for more information about this year's sponsors.

We welcome your feedback! Please fill in an evaluation form on any of the 3 events and return to greengown@eauc.org.uk
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