Act Travelwise FREE event: Transport Risk Assessment for Covid Knowledge (TRACK) Project

Date 10 November 2021 12:00 - 13:00
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Transport Risk Assessment for Covid Knowledge (TRACK) Project online event with speakers from the University of Leeds

A lot of work has already taken place to ensure public transport is safe to use during the pandemic. The TRACK research project will further increase our understanding of how to make sure public transport is as safe as possible for all users from viruses such as Covid-19. Funded by Department for Transport and UKRI, TRACK aims to understand the residual risks of Covid-19 transmission on public transport (bus, trains, and METRO) and to consider the best measures to control it further. This involves surveying the travel and behaviour of people on transport systems: where they go, which routes they use, which stops they get on and get off at. Using this information the research will measure how travel behaviour changes in different situations, over time, and with crowding.

In this online session, Professor Susan Grant-Muller, Andrew Tomlinson, Dr Yuanxuan Yang and Rosie Samuel will introduce the TRACK Project, provide an overview of Work Package 3 (User behaviour and demographics) data collection methods, followed by a discussion of ongoing recruitment efforts and how stakeholders can get involved.

For full details, click here.
Delivered by EAUC