Tackling Fly-Tipping and Preventing Illegal Rubbish Dumping

Date 15 October 2020 09:30 - 13:00
Venue Webinar
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Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, there has been a sharp increase in fly-tipping, as many local authorities have closed their waste recycling centres due to issues with maintaining social distancing. According to the House of Commons prior to the pandemic (2018/2019), local authorities in England dealt with over 1 million fly-tipping incidents, an increase of 8% from 2017/18. Furthermore, large-scale fly-tipping – defined as tipper lorry load or more in size – has doubled in the last six years. Vast financial resources are also having to be allocated towards disposing of fly-tipped waste, with costs estimated to have reached £57.7 million last year.

For full details, click here.
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