Sanitary Support Scheme Best Practice Meeting

Date 18 October 2019 10:00 - 12:30
Venue Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus
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One year on from the introduction of the sanitary support scheme in Scottish colleges and universities, and as part of Environmenstrual Week, EAUC-Scotland are hosting an event to share some of the best practice in the sector.

Join this meeting to hear about some of the fantastic work going on in Scottish further and higher education institutions supporting menstruation, with institutions stepping beyond the minimum requirements to run in depth student engagement campaigns, provide products to students studying off campus, and initiate conversations around reusable sanitary products. Zero Waste Scotland will provide an update on their reusable period products campaign, and SFC and COSLA will share their guidance on implementation of the scheme. There will also be the opportunity to share any challenges or top tips you have with your peers. Find the agenda available to download below.

Car parking is limited at Edinburgh Napier University and must be booked so if you plan on driving then please send your car registration to and we will pass that on to ENU.

Please also contact us on if you have any challenges booking your place, or if you cannot make the meeting and would like to be sent the meeting notes directly.

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