Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network Meeting

Date 24 October 2019 12:30 - 15:30
Venue Edinburgh Napier University (Merchiston Campus)
Download Calendar Event

The EAUC-Scotland Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network (TSN) will be meeting to discuss current opportunities and challenges in the FHE sustainable procurement community and hear some best practice projects. 

This meeting will focus on reporting scope 3 procurement emissions.  The agenda is available to download below - speakers include:

  • Higher Education Supply-Chain Emissions Tool (HESCET) & Defra Methodology (Stephen Connor, Sustainable Procurement TSN Co-convener, APUC)
  • Understanding Scope 3 Emissions from Procurement at Edinburgh - The Start of Our Journey (Dr Elizabeth Vander Meer, Climate Policy Manager, University of Edinburgh)
  • Reporting Procurement Emissions at the Universities of St Andrews (David Stutchfield, Sustainability Manager)
  • Climate Emergency & Public Procurement (Barbara Morton, Director, Sustainable Procurement Ltd)
  • Discussion on Consultation Proposals (Jenny Fausset, Sustainable Scotland Network)

Please contact if you have any questions or require assistance booking your place.

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