6th Birmingham CSR Summit

Date 7 September 2018 09:30 - 16:00
Venue Aston Business School
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The Birmingham CSR Summit is the premier one-day conference bringing together senior business leaders, CSR practitioners, public sector executives, academia, leaders in the third sector & charities and community representatives. 

This year the Summit will take a forward-looking perspective and debate the future (if any) for CSR in Birmingham and the West Midlands.  Although the future is essentially unknowable, what we have achieved in the past should be every cause for hope.  But, as author LP Hartley put it, “The future is a foreign country; they do things differently there!”

The Summit will open with a Keynote Address from West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street; Andy will set out his priorities for community and social action, much of which is already under way.

Delegates will have the opportunity to debate and share insight and (most importantly) foresight by participating in two (from four) elective Breakout Workshops, each facilitated by a recognised leader in the field:
  • Education (including adult skills agenda)
  • Homelessness
  • Mental Health & Well being
  • Social Isolation
After a networking lunch, we will hear from future business leaders (current Aston Business School MBA students) as to how they see the future for CSR and their plans for implementation when they return to their careers and develop influence in their businesses.

We will hold a Panel Debate with a diverse spectrum of CSR practitioners and stakeholders to hack out the Summit vision for the future of CSR in Birmingham and the West Midlands.

For full details, click here.
Delivered by EAUC