RCE Severn Workshop

Date 22 March 2018
Venue The Growth Hub, University of Gloucestershire
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RCE Severn Workshop – Thursday 22nd March – Resilience and Strategy for Sustainability – Change Skills for People and Organisations – The Growth Hub, Oxstalls Campus, University of Gloucestershire
RCE Severn invites you to join their free, fun and interactive workshop, delivered with RCE partners Caplor Horizons, a Hereford-based international development charity focused on sustainability.

The workshop will use practical tools and creative ideas to help people and organisations rethink their resilience and strategies for sustainability. 
The session is open to all, with an emphasis on the role and challenges of the third sector, plus discussion about how the RCE Severn network can support and connect local action towards the UN global sustainability goals.

The workshop may also be of interest to staff who are actively involved with community partners and we encourage you to share this opportunity with any local or regional networks or contacts that may benefit. 

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Barbara Rainbow (brainbow@glos.ac.uk) in order for us to cater for the appropriate number of people. 
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