4th PRME UK and Ireland Conference and Chapter AGM

Date 26 June 2017 09:00 - 27 June 2017 17:00
Venue Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University
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As 2017 is PRME’s 10th Anniversary year, the theme of the conference will be;
“Envisioning the Future of Responsible Management Education in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals”
Call for Proposals: Deadline April 24th 2017

This year’s conference in Newcastle-upon-Tyne represents the 4th Annual Conference of the UK and Ireland PRME Chapter. The conference is to be held at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria
University, THE Business School of the Year 2015.

As 2017 represents PRME’s 10th Anniversary, the conference theme is “Envisioning the Future of Responsible Management Education in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals”. Over the past decade, the PRME initiative has become the largest organised relationship between the United Nations and the world's business schools and management-related higher education institutions.

PRME is closely aligned with the work of the United Nations and UN Global Compact in support of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals. These Global Goals will usher in a future of
social, economic, and environmental progress while creating opportunities for both business and academia. As such, participants are challenged to imagine what the next 10 years of PRME will look
like. The theme of this conference aims to stimulate discussion on questions such as:
• What should the PRME initiative focus on over the next 10 years?
• Where are the opportunities and what are the challenges in the coming decade?
• How can RME assist business schools in achieving teaching excellence considering the TEF?
• What part can PRME play in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals?

Keynote speakers include high profile figures from industry and civil society, speaking on the future of responsible management education, and a business panel debate will be led by Business in the Community (BITC) on skills and competencies industry requires in meeting the SDGs.
The Organising Committee is inviting proposals for either:
a) 10 -minute paper presentations or
b) 40 -minute interactive workshops

Priority will be given to inter/multidisciplinary proposals that engage participants in new or existing initiatives and encourage us to “Envision the Future of Responsible Management Education in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals”. Proposals will be considered on any aspect of education for sustainable development, responsible management and leadership across three themes:
• Track 1: The role of PRME in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals
• Track 2: Pedagogical approaches to teaching RME across universities
• Track 3: Inter/Multidisciplinary responses to promoting Education for Sustainable Development
Contributors are encouraged to submit proposals for one or more tracks. Please email proposals to the address provided below and provide: a title and track number, along with an abstract of some 300 words to prme4uk@gmail.com.

This 4th UK and Ireland conference continues to bring together advocates of responsible citizenship, management and leadership from universities and institutions across the UK and Ireland. The conference is open to academic and non-academic audiences, and not limited to members of the UK and Ireland PRME chapter or UN PRME signatories.

Representatives of business and third sector organisations, and students of all disciplines, are particularly welcome.

Please address and questions to Alex Hope at prme4uk@gmail.com
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