EAUC Transport Planning Network Group - North

Date 7 February 2017 09:30 - 15:45
Venue University of York
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EAUC Transport Planning Network Group meeting at the University of York, Heslington East - LMB/102b Meeting Room

There will be two meetings running at the University of York and University of Exeter and will be linked via conference call


09.30: Arrival

09.45: Apologies & Introductions

10.00: Bus ticketing options: Case study (Marja Van Loef, Falmouth Exeter Plus) followed by discussion 

11.15: Tea/Coffee

11.30:   Follow on points from parking discussions in May: Case Studies (Fiona Macey, University of York)
Parking enforcement and debt collection – Chloe Park, Trace Recovery https://www.tracerecovery.co.uk
Legal status (approved operator, contract & trespass law) - John Davies, International Parking Community (IPC) https://www.theipc.info/

Followed by group discussion. Other topics from May meeting include:
Health & Safety- managing & enforcing speeding, risk assessments for car parks
Management of contractor parking & associated charges
Car club policies
Approaches to signage

13.00: Lunch
14.00: Love to Ride Cycle Promotion presentation
14.45: Open discussion; topics to be suggested by attendees (including next meeting topics and dates) 

15.45: Close

If accommodation is required in York, Park Inn by Radisson has a special rate of £90.00 B&B and is a short  walk from the train station and a few minute walk to the bus stop which takes you direct to the campus. 

Travel information for York -  

Law and Management Building (Heslington East), 1st Floor. From the main entrance, take the stairs to the 1st floor. Turn left down the walkway and through the doors at the end. The room is on the left.  https://www.york.ac.uk/about/maps/campus/
Parking is available – this will be reserved on Heslington East in Field Lane car park (car park 7 on the map) and will be free of charge as long as it is pre-booked with transport-team@york.ac.uk before Thursday 2 February.
If you are travelling from the train station then catch First 66 bus.

Taxi from the train station to campus costs approx. £10 each way use the station taxis to get to campus (right outside the main entrance).


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