How To Put A Site Waste Management Plan In Place & Why You Need To Do It NOW! - 16 Oct 07
16 October 2007
Newcastle University
Download Calendar Event
The presentations from this event can be found below
Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPS), currently still voluntary, are set to become a legal requirement as of April 2008. As it stands, all construction and refurbishment projects over £250,000 will be required to produce a SWMP.
As a sector, we have a major part to play in ensuring contracted companies adhere to SWMP production in an effort to decrease waste production, divert waste from landfill and reduce fly-tipping.
This is an interactive seminar with workshops providing practical advice and examples on what a SWMP plan actually is and how to go about implementation with good and best practice. You will realise the benefits including significant cost savings of such plans and develop skills which will enable a successful SWMP plan to be undertaken back in the workplace.
This workshop will be of particular benefit to Estates Project Managers, design teams and contractors regularly used by your institution and Environment or Sustainability Managers and Coordinators.
The day uses WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) training materials with sector case studies from Southampton University Queen’s University Belfast, whom will provide guidance on their experience with SWMP within their institutions.
This workshop will:
- Highlight the benefits of SWMPs including cost savings
- Share best practice with sector case studies
- Provide practical advice on how to embed SWMPs
- Give example SWMPs
Who Should Attend:
- Estates Managers
- Project Managers
- Design Teams
- Contractors
- Waste Managers
- Organisations working with the sector
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